IMO, unless your looking at broad ends of the spectrum, action has little to do with hooksets, and people get a little caught up in it. Obviously you want a moderate for cranks with a big sweeping hookset, but with everything else, the fish either hook themselves (Spinnerbaits, swimming lures) or you want a short, quick, hard hookset. With a F, XF, and maybe even a MF that shouldn't really be too big of an issue.
I look at the action two ways: How am I going to cast/present this bait, and how am I going to work this bait. Lets say, big rattle traps, that I want to cast a long way and burn them back to the boat. I would opt for a Mod_Fast tip because it will really load up to launch the lure a looong way, but also when your burning it back and a fish smacks it, it will basically absorb the hit and set the hook. Or let's say your fishing weightless trick worms. You want a really fast tip that can load up with lighter weights, and your going to be working that bait back with small twitches. You want the tip to do that, not absorb the twitches like a slower tip might. Also, you want a to get to the backbone really fast to get the hookset, the XF will get to the backbone the fastest.
I dont know if that made sense to you, but I hope it helped.