What happened to you is what I call short striking and there are ways to get them to hit for real. First thing you need to know is you are on the right presentation, it has the fish excited and ready to commit but something is off. Usually the something that is off is either the color or the size, sometimes it is both so when that happens using a 1/4oz bait I would have changed colors first, nothing big just maybe a silver blade instead of gold or vic versa. That kind of strike is why I like to used banded skirts, most prefer a skirt be tied on with thread or wire but I like the band simply because when you get short strikers you can bring the bait in and pull the skirt off and put a new color on and it is like a different bait without retying. If you change colors and you still get short strikes then you need to change size, most of the time it means going smaller but if I'm using a 1/4oz bait I'll go up to a 3/8oz and try that out. Finally, the last trick that will help is the retrieve speed, you can sometimes make them commit by speeding up the bait like you are trying to take it away from them, this approach will often draw violent hits as a result and because of all the different factors involved with fishing spinnerbaits, it remains as my favorite bait of all of them