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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/28/2012 in all areas

  1. I was reflecting on how my approach to bass fishing has changed over the last several years and how it has increased my success rate. I thought maybe I would post it and someone else might benefit. Over the last 30 plus years I found myself being driven more by technique. Techniques and equipment seemed to be the focus and they were evolving at a pretty rapid rate. Flipping, pitching, jigs, deep cranking, drop shot, finesse, frogs, long rods and so on. I also like the "stuff." The techniques I enjoyed the most seemed to dictate the water and cover types I fished. I found myself become a " spot " fisherman and returned to the same spots and found myself force feeding the lure type and techniques I enjoyed the most. I was able to fish frequently during that period so my success rate was acceptable. I had become a narrow focused angler and created a rut for myself. About six years ago I changed my approach. I had to. It was not because I was intelligent or had some special insite. I started fishing with a guy I've known for years and he showed me something simple that changed my perspective. Look for ZONES. The application is kind of like pattern fishing but we don't have the huge bodies of water to truly apply pattern fishing so zone fishing is what we attempt to do. Honestly, smallmouth fishing drove me to appreciate the zone concept. I read the recent thread on SEARCH BAITS and noticed there was a trend of shallow baits. I thought, that's exactly what I used to focus on. What if the fish are not in a shallow zone? Your searching may lead you to move to a new area, still shallow and the zone where the fish are has not been searched. My approach is now to find the zone, then area and then refine it to spots if they exist. The seasonal pattern dicated what zone I started on, shallow, mid depth or deep. Then I looked for zones with specific characteristics such as cover types, contours, structure or lack there of and so on. Then I would start my search to establish a zone and focus the technique that most effectively covered that zone and refine it further if a spot within the area within the zone was discovered. I quit searching spots and began to search zones. This became more effective way to locate fish, select and apply a technique and lure type. This is nothing new. Successful anglers have applied this practice for years. I just needed to learn it for myself. I don't get the opportunity to fish near as often as I used to so this concept has really paid off. This is an example. I fished the end of a small resavoir a few years ago. I looked for the zone and found a long creek. I searched the shallow zone within the creek which was a zone within that end of the lake. I caught some fish shallow but the bite slowed. The fish I found searching the shallow zone was a false positive. I came back the following day and again caught a few fish shallow as I searched the one mile of creek that held fish. The bite slowed. I backed way out and began to search the deep zone within that one mile and found the real population of fish. As I continued to fish that zone I found there were saddles within the contour and the fish seemed to hold in the saddles. I found some stumps within the saddles. They were the spots that held the larger bass. Then I refined it further with a bait choice and even further with the type of retrieve. IT wasn't the fish that made it one of the best days I have ever had, it was the process that got me on them. I will not take credit for my learning this. It took someone to get me to open my eyes and continue to learn. I hope this helps someone. If it does, let me know, I will tell my buddy who shared it with me.
    2 points
  2. Weighing in a 9lbs, I caught this beauty in almost exactly the same spot as the 3lbs from yesterday. You can see her belly poking out full of eggs. Yet again, caught on my trusty $1 walmart special lime green buzz bait. 8PM, again, the same time yesterday. Very nice fish indeed.
    1 point
  3. NEVER SWIPE AT THE FISH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if my coangler does that he gets yelled at, you put the net in the water and lead the fish in. stabbing at it will make you lose fish.
    1 point
  4. Where did you guys watch it at on the computer?
    1 point
  5. Braid isn't any better about twist, it's worse in the long run. By the time you notice the twist, it's too late and you get wraps an wind knots. I hate braid for dropshotting, Yes, there are reels that are much better than others for Dropshot: Shimano spinning reels with Propulsion line management. It makes a HUGE difference in comparison to fishing reels like Pfloogers, even Daiwa. The spool li[ reduces the line coil, and the contact of the roller maintains tension on the line.Saller coil going through the guides means less turning over of the line. They're simply THE BEST spool design and line management out there for vertical or near vertical presentations. You don't need to fish a Stella to get the benefit of the system, either. You can get many of the features of higher end reels in the Sedona. I fish primarily CI4 and Sustain reels, and they perform every bit as well as my Stellas, in terms of line handling. I won't fish another reel for the application, period. Secondly, use the VMC Spinshots. They're worth three times their weight in gold for shotting open water, and they're not terrible in cover, either. It eliminates the need for a swivel completely; they're genuinely near-zero twist.
    1 point
  6. I have been using the rubber bands for 3 years now with 0 issues. I have also fished out of canoes, kayaks, and small 2-man boats and just grab gear accordingly before heading out.
    1 point
  7. Both Megastrike and Berkley Bass Scent do an admirable job of lubricating Texas rigged hooks and jigs at the bend allowing them to slip through the plastic more easily on my hook set. oe
    1 point
  8. I only use two scents. Garlic and Crawfish. Garlic is my fav. Rage tails coffee scent awesome too. It doesnt stink up my truck.
    1 point
  9. I use some scent I got from BPS years back. Not sure what it's called but it smells like whatever Zoom uses plus a hint of garlic. Smells good actually. 90% of the scents on the market smell HORRID and keeps me away from using them but the one I got is great. I have had no issue with catching fish with it. If anything, it might have helped a tiny bit with bass strikes and holding on just a split second longer. Any time I get new plastics I give the bag a spray to keep them lubed and smelly. If you are looking for some miracle scent that will induce every bass into striking then I think you are out of luck. Bass will bite when they wanna bite. I have personally watched about a crayfish go onto a bed where a bass was and the bass nosed down on the crayfish for a second and it looked like the cray pinched him. The bass actually left the bed until the crayfish was gone. It wanted nothing to do with it. If they dont bite they're favorite foods when they are live and well, scent wont do a dam thing.
    1 point
  10. Thanks again guys. Glade, I can't take creatine .....as it messes with me afdter a week or two. I just eat REALLY healthy, and I eat a LOT {av 4000 cals a day} shoot for 200 gm protein a day. Was eating mostly natural for a while, but back to a whey shake every day too. I workout alternating muscle groups 5 days a week + cardio 3-4 days a week. So if you call cardio a "workout" then I work out about 1 to 1 1/2 hours a day, 7 days a week. To be honest though, it would be hard for me to "not" workout ! Addicted to the pump..... and SO far to go Peace, Fish
    1 point
  11. This is a subject that has been around for many, many, years. If you ask five people you get six opinions. If you read the link above "Mixing fish Attractants" you saw that Worm Extract had 100% strike response. I have to wonder if this isn't something akin to chumming, i.e. using ground live bait to attract fish. When I was young we would hang a chum bucket over the side of the boat while trolling for Blue's on the Chesapeake, it worked well. I wounder if the same technique would work on Bass to induce a feeding frenzy?
    1 point
  12. I firmly believe that using scents covers up our human natural sceont and the oders that are in our tackleboxes. Now they say they attract fish. When i used scent everyday in the same spot even the people near me caught bass too. The current was going away from me so it attracted fish to me, they came in closer. My best results have been using lures with orange colored bottoms, the lures having a rattle and using a scent too. All lures work at onetime or another its figuring which color and type will produce more fish for you in your area. You just need to figure out what natural bait there eating.
    1 point
  13. I use scents on slow moving baits a lot of the time. They might not help much but I believe they don't hurt anything and at least cover up any bad smells on my bait.
    1 point
  14. I always have a tube of Megastrike with me. It just works!!
    1 point
  15. i think it does to an extent. bass, fish in general dont smell like we smell. ive had grreeaat success with megastrike and pro cure. i use it almost all the time. i have noticed that fish hold on longer which in turn allows you to get a "second" chance if you dont feel her the first time she takes the bait and it gets you a few more bites. not all scents are created equal so choose wisely. my recommendatios, megastrike, pro-cure, pookees, and smelly jelly.
    1 point
  16. Search for "scents" and look up the article about mixing and matching scents.
    1 point
  17. Try to find a copy of Dr. Keith A. Jones book, Knowing Bass, The Scientific Approach to Catching More Fish, The Lyons Press. Chapter Three, Chemoreception discusses smell and taste tests Dr. Jones and Berkley conducted regarding many tastes and smells and chemical sensitivity. If you use the search feature on this site and type in Keith Jones you may find a previous post I made regarding the bass' organs of taste and smell. I use scents as a confidence builder and to have the bass hold onto the bait a few seconds longer. I like MegaStrike the best, followed by Carolina Lunker Sauce and if I want garlic I go with JJs Magic. Good luck.
    1 point
  18. Youll get all sorts of responses on this. I think that scents cover up our smells more than tricking the fish into thinking its a crawdad or trout or whatever. That being said I've got some pro cure coming my way next week. NGaHB
    1 point
  19. Glad to see you back Sean, good report Ken. Dew, sure, next time you see me give me a holler. Went to BH again today, fished with my buddy Howard out of his crawdad from about 1 PM until sunset. We started off slow, Howard with 5 bass on a plastic worm and I got one decent one on a Baby Brush Hog. I did fish some big baits targeting tiger musky for a good amount of time, but no follows or hits. At one point we trolled for a little while and the only action that I had was snagging and losing my musky spinnerbait in a submerged tree. Try breaking off 80 lb. Suffix 832, it ain't easy while trying not to sink a crawdad! My buddy Howard caught a huge yellow perch trolling a spinnerbait for muskies...pretty funny. Around 3 PM or so things began to pick up. I switched to a plastic worm and began to pick up some decent fish. Again, they weren't necessarily on wood, instead cruising and feeding along the first drop off, but we did find a few on the wood. I got one on a chatterbait at the end of the day, the only fish on hardware. Howard finished with a dozen and I got into a zone and wound up with 21 total (19 on the plastic worm). Only 5 were dinks, the rest were between 15 and 18" long. Some were fat, and some were spawned out with obvious bedding wounds. I think that for the most part, they are done but there may be a few males still protecting beds, although I didn't see any of them. I'm wondering if some are bedding deeper because that water is still pretty clear. There were a lot of boats out there today. Here are a few couple pics, but my 18" one didn't turn out. I'm ready to buy a real camera and stop using my Droid. The Droid is OK, but not reliable. The perch that thought he was a musky: Howard with a decent bass: Here's one with the black spot syndrome covering the tail: Howard with another good one: Takin' the shoes off, kickin' back, ketchin' bass: Spunky largemouth:
    1 point
  20. Yes. It's tough to fish a jig wrong. Swim it, craw it, hop it, bump it, rip it, burn it. There are flipping jigs, yes, and there are casting jigs. That's getting into a whole different ball of worms. Or something like that.
    1 point
  21. Use the brakes and don't cast 40' until you have completely mastered 20'.
    1 point
  22. Trim mine, no matter what brand. I also trim some at angles and some are cut so the legs are uneven.....no, seriously..
    1 point
  23. Do You Always Trim Legs No, I like to keep mine hairy.
    1 point
  24. HELL YEAH thats what i like to hear in a couple months ill be posting up what i got boys lets do this! im gunna get me a 40 pounder this year!
    1 point
  25. Less is more with a drop shot, especially if you are using a buoyant plastic. Let the water do the work for you; it'll appear more natural. For salted, heavier baits, a subtle drop is usually enough to trigger a bite.
    1 point
  26. fish with more experienced fishermen.
    1 point
  27. Not saying you shouldn't study the fish, you should for sure, but imo there is nothing that is more important than time on the water assuming you have some basic knowledge of what you're doing already. If someone is just starting out and has never picked up a fishing rod in their life then I'd agree that reading up is going to be more important too you. I'm sure it all depends on what type of learner you are. I have to do something to learn it, reading it does little for me.
    1 point
  28. LeBron asked to be traded? News to me. And to think, this whole time I thought he was a free agent before he came down here..... Doubt it. He'll definitely go down in the books as a great player, but he'll never reach Jordan status. I really doubt anybody ever will. Your first sentence kind of sums it up. You Bulls fans love Rose. When Jordan was playing, "all" fans loved watching him. Outside of Chicago there aren't legions of Rose fans like Mike had.
    1 point
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