The Cumara stacks up to both in terms of sensitivity, really. The GLX is slightly lighter in weight, but recently, even the Cumara has better finish, imo. The wraps are good, the seats are good, the guides are superior. I prefer the grips on the Cumara. I won't get into warranty, because they're essentially the same- it breaks, it's going to be replaced so long as it's not stupidity. On the breakage note, I've had zero issue with Cumara breakage, and I've fished them since their release. I'd go so far as to say that I have more Cumara than any other single series. I have at least duplicates of most of the bottom contact rods, in some cases three and four. In the Reaction series I have seven or eight of them. I like them not only because of their price point, but they've been very durable for me. Others have reported lots of breakage, I've yet to break one in any circumstance that wasn't my fault. IMO, the difference between the GLX and IMX isn't HUGE but it is noticeable. Step up the NRX from the GLX and it's gigantic. Just like stepping up to a high grade custom will blow most high end rods out of the water. (Even though I own many NRX, I still don't feel the price is justified.) In the end, in the rods in the series that work for me, and my purposes, I've purchased. From here forward, though, I'm moving more and more towards customs because of the tolerances and specs you can manage with them. You can get EXACTLY what you're after.