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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/10/2012 in all areas

  1. He deserves the $1000 fine and 30 days in jail just for being a moron.
    2 points
  2. got out to the local spot today for a few. brought along my light spinning outfit to see if the peas were out and wanted to play. after quite a few casts , i hook into this beast. i got some pics but didnt have tape measure with me. im guessing about 21" going by how she measured along the rod. somewhere around 7-8#? i called it a trip after that and headed home. its been a while since i caught a solid largemouth and this definitely made my day. catching this one really makes me really hate being stuck on shore and want to invest in float tube so i can get further out. this is the biggest ive seen come from this lake but ive heard of some pigs being caught here a while ago.
    1 point
  3. we're barely into march and the big fish are already up shallow here in TN munching on spinnerbaits. i figure we are at least a month ahead of last year's schedule. at this rate, there will be fish trying to spawn in 2-3 weeks if the weather doesn't do anything crazy. didn't have any way to measure today, but i'd almost guarantee that water temps were high 50's. caught both of these today in less than 3 ft. of water along with plenty of other quality bass. looks like i might be taking off from work some next week. hope y'all are catchin' some too.
    1 point
  4. May I also add, don't stand behind a cow when it coughs. You will get "hit" by something.
    1 point
  5. I just spewed coffee on myself after reading this thread. I did get stabbed with a Lawn Dart when I was a kid.. Stuck right in my stomach. That was back when they were heavy and metal with pointed tips. Good parenting mom and dad, let the kids throw spears at each other.. LOL
    1 point
  6. Community service and how many tournements you have won.
    1 point
  7. Thank you - haven't been on here in a while. Busy with work and no time spent fishing. First fish for the season has me fired up. Ready for this time change, so I'll be able to go fishing after work.
    1 point
  8. Congrats on joining the baitcaster club!!!! For beginners, the things that can make learning bc reels is not know the things that can hinder learning outside of ensuring the reels settings are matched to the lure. The things novices usually do (and we can all relate) that can slow the learning process are: 1) using any lure less than 3/8oz. I don't know about the weight of the lure you're using but if it isn't at least 3/8oz in weight, I suggest putting it away until you are accustomed to tossing a weight at least 1/2oz. 2) using line of a very thin diameter to learn on -- luckily, you didn't fall victim to this one. 3) Not realizing that while the mechanics of making a cast are the same in principal for spinning and casting rigs, the release time is ever so slightly different. From what you described, I would guess that your are casting with your right hand andlikely making more side arm casts than any other. The lure flying toward the left is the tell tale sign of the thumb coming off of the spool too late. If you did the same thing with an over hand cast, you better put your thumb on the spool asap because the lure is going to smash into the ground right in front of you! lol The release time of your thumb off of the spool is ever so slightly earlier than the forefinger coming off of the rod to release the line on a spinning setup. Picture this for an overhand cast, a clock --- with 12 o'clock (oc from this point forward) above you and 6 oc at your feet, and 9 oc directly in front of you. The position that is ideal for your thumb to come off of the spool is ideal between 12oc and 1oc. Any earlier you get a rainbow sky high cast that goes higher than it does farther. Any later and the lures slams in front of you. Fortunately, the mechanics are the same for a side arm cast, although it is happening on a slanted plane (vs upright). Let go too late, the lure sails to the left, too early it goes to the right, and just right, you've got a baby bear cast that "just right." I learned from my experience that lures that are too light for the novice also makes them let go too late as you yourself have experienced. I haven't been able to explain that. 4) Choice of line to learn with - I second K_Mac's recommendation on line to learn. 10-12# test mono is ideal to learn with and economical. One thing I recall doing when I learned was not practicing for the sake of practicing. I'll use the analogy of a golf driving range. If you've ever been to one, you will see people so called "practicing" in the hopes of improving their golf game. But most of them are not really practicing, they're just whacking balls with little to no thought toward tweaking, refining and improving? My proof? They're not even close to being on the PGA tour. I guess what I mean to say and what I did was use what I call focused practice. When I made a mistake, I asked myself what it was that I did that caused error and then made attempts to improve and refine the process. I can tell you that given an ideal line to work with, a heavy enough weight AND more importantly, learning how to properly load the rod with the weight of the lure, you can get this down in three thrity-minute, focused practice session such that you will be ready to experiment with lures weighing less. Good luck!
    1 point
  9. exactly what i did.....reel is back together and everything seems to be in order!
    1 point
  10. Fished for the first time today since last October. Staying at a house across the street from Buggs Island while working near here and caught this white bass on the little cove we're on.... It was my first white bass and after reading sounds like a good size (big wide belly on the girl...) Caught on a Rapala original, shad color.
    1 point
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