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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/13/2012 in all areas

  1. There is always an implied warranty of merchantability. If the rod is truly defective any decent manufacturer will make good or be gone from the market. I'd like to see all these replacement programs fall by the wayside and see rods sell for what they are worth based on their own merits.
    2 points
  2. For enthusiasts, technique specific gear is fun to collect. However, three rigs cover all the basics: #1 6 1/2' or 7' MH baitcaster for jigs, some soft plastics and spinnerbaits #2 6 1/2' or 7' MM baitcaster for treble hook lures #3 7' MF spinning rod for lighter lures and a variety of techniques
    1 point
  3. A turn in IPT is 360* turn of the handle crank. Sounds like the OP is making 1/2 cranks resulting 1/2 IPT.
    1 point
  4. I went to the bible of bass scientific information, Dr. Keith Jones' Book, Knowing Bass, and the chapter on vision has so much information that it is impossible to share it all with you regarding the color red. On page 161 here is what Dr. Jones writes: By filtering light into pure colors, Dr. Don McCoy of the University of Kentucky, filtered light into pure colors. McCoy found that largemouths could be trained to distinguish all colors between red and blue but not equally. Bass quickly learned to distinguish between colors falling in the red and green sectors of the spectrum but struggled to differentiate shade of blue. This suggests that bass color vision is relatively good from red to green but weak in the blues and violets. Earlier work by Frank Brown at the University Illinois had also found that bass have good color vision in the spectral areas of red and green. Largemouth bass were trained to approach a target having the “correct” color to receive a food reward but received an electrical shock if they approached the “wrong” color. Bass trained in this manner easily distinguished between even minor shade variances of red and green. Outside of these areas color vision was more questionable. Intense yellows could be discerned by pale yellows and pinks appeared to be interpreted simply as “light.” Similarly, bass often confuse dark shades of blue and purple with heavy shades of gray or, in the case of very intense colors, with black. As the spectrum reaches a point in its shift from green to blue, bass’s color vision seems to fade out entirely. Beyond this point, blues and purples, and to some extend dark shades of green and brown, are interpreted by a bass simply as “dark.” Very strong shades of dark red have the same effect. Add to this what Dr. Jones writes on page 160: While no direct reports indicate exactly how many or which visual pigments bass have, we have good reason to believe that they have only two: red and green. The color spectrum available in these waters is dominated by reds, oranges, yellows and greens with only a smattering of blue. OK, now you know.
    1 point
  5. due to devaluation of the dollar your thirty dollars today is equal to five dollars ibn the eighties.
    1 point
  6. It's always done on full spool. IPT is worthless as a measurement on a low or empty spool, one of the primary reasons you should keep a spool as full as possible is that is when the reel is performing at its most efficient.
    1 point
  7. I think that the red does make a difference, whether its a confidence thing or proven to work, I look at it as just one more thing that may entice a strike out of a fish that might not have hit my bait otherwise. I always put a red hook on my favorite crankbaits, rattletraps, topwaters, and jerkbaits. Just be careful when changing out the front hook on certain baits. Sometimes it will impede the action that the bait was designed to have. I keep a LMB in a tank and I notice that whenever I'm cleaning the tank, and I clean the bigger rocks, when I go to put them back in, he will completely ignore the black, tan, & grey ones, but the minute I drop a red gem in, he charges at it & sometimes tries to eat it. Ive had the fish for 8 months since it was the size of a small baitfish, so it's definitely instinctual. Just something I found interesting
    1 point
  8. IPT is simply circumference of line on spool(Pi*2*Radius or Diameter*3.14~) times gear ratio. so (gear ratio)X(Diameter)X(3.14~)= IPT. Most companies probably measure IPT when the line is inline with the top of the spool. IPT is different on each turn of the handle during the cast, as the spool diameter is smaller at the start of the cast and increases as line is taken in. I have also noticed that IPT actual is less then advertised, which is most likely because i don't quite fill the spool all the way up.
    1 point
  9. I am from Richmond, Virginia and I fish a private country club pond that me and six other guys are allowed to fish. Talk about Paradise in Maryland!!!!
    1 point
  10. I take it, you prefer the Citica?
    1 point
  11. I'm on hiatus from Facebook, but that does not mean I think it's a useless service, I still peek in. Is BR really any different ? People that do not bass fish, and even some that do, may have little or no interest in Bassresource, clearly evident as some members seldom post. Other types of fisherman have little or no use for certain popular bass techniques and gear, however some of those types are here for the social aspect and that brings us to FB. Any of the on line forums are all social networking, each with it's own merits and shortcomings. I'm not a member of a walleye forum, cooking forum, pickup truck forum, yachting forum and so on.........I have little or no interest in them. That said FB can link you into to any of them, including BR, wonder if Glenn knows how many new members are here because they found BR on FB. I'm a member of a few of the FB groups and I am interested certain information, in addition my kids and gr kids are active Facebookers, an easy way to see what's going on from afar. Facebook has weaved itself into the fabric of society, you can be a member or not, you can be active or not, all ones own personal choice. My wife thinks I'm crazy for being on fishing forums with thousands of posts under my belt, of course she is right, I am crazy, but no more or less than a Facebooker.
    1 point
  12. Whitney ruined Whitney with drugs, Bobby just presented her with the means.
    1 point
  13. Heck, let's practice green fishing like they do in China. Use Cormorants with a ring around their necks. The ring is a snug fit so the cormorant cannot swallow the fish it grabs. Find a school of fish and let your flock of fishing Cormorants do their thing. You think I'm spoofing? http://www.environme...rmorant-fishing http://www.bing.com/...tail&FORM=VIRE3
    1 point
  14. Looks awesome, pour some in some different colors and post 'em.
    1 point
  15. I'm a "collector", I would never do that. At least 95% of my stuff has never been in water except the pool when they were first purchased. Every year I promise myself I will fish "something different". We'll see...
    1 point
  16. The Elite angler tournament committee that made that decision because it may cause injury to the bass should do some more soul searching about their fish handling practices. Boat flipping them to the carpet, then putting on a show for the camera before putting the fish in the livewell sure doesn't represent any concern for the fish's well being.
    1 point
  17. I met a guy down in East TN that uses flukes as swim-jig trailers and as a trailer for a Ledgebuster. Almost every trip I hear about includes a 5 lb. smallmouth...
    1 point
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