I'm on hiatus from Facebook, but that does not mean I think it's a useless service, I still peek in. Is BR really any different ? People that do not bass fish, and even some that do, may have little or no interest in Bassresource, clearly evident as some members seldom post. Other types of fisherman have little or no use for certain popular bass techniques and gear, however some of those types are here for the social aspect and that brings us to FB. Any of the on line forums are all social networking, each with it's own merits and shortcomings. I'm not a member of a walleye forum, cooking forum, pickup truck forum, yachting forum and so on.........I have little or no interest in them. That said FB can link you into to any of them, including BR, wonder if Glenn knows how many new members are here because they found BR on FB.
I'm a member of a few of the FB groups and I am interested certain information, in addition my kids and gr kids are active Facebookers, an easy way to see what's going on from afar. Facebook has weaved itself into the fabric of society, you can be a member or not, you can be active or not, all ones own personal choice.
My wife thinks I'm crazy for being on fishing forums with thousands of posts under my belt, of course she is right, I am crazy, but no more or less than a Facebooker.