We posted this topic at Rage Talk as well, to get more assistance with Santa's situation Paul posted this over there and I thought we needed it here too
Big O
(from Paul)
'twas two weeks before Christmas, but forget the snow.
Santa was down south fishin' with his buddy Big O.
the Ragetails were cast in brushpiles with care,
in hopes that some whoppers were living in there.
and wouldn't you know it, as if on cue,
Santa whacked a 12 pounder, then Big O caught two.
for days of sheer mayhem they continued to score,
until rods were all broken and thumbs were all sore.
"gotta head home", with a sigh said Steve.
"you're kiddin'!", said Santa. "NO WAY i'll leave!"
"Being Santa was great, but this is the best.
you couldn't pull me back north with 1000 lb. test!"
Steve pondered, then said with a voice kind and caring,
"Don't you remember it's Christmas - the season for sharing?"
"other folks love hanging these hawgs just like you.
go and give gifts of Ragetail so they can smile too."
"all fisherman need 'em, even the naughty.
so head north real quickly, or i'll use karate."
Santa knew in his heart what Steve said was true.
and he liked red and white, not black and blue.
so he hopped on his sleigh and as he flew out of sight,
he yelled, "RAGETAIL to all, and to all a lunker fight!"