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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/05/2011 in all areas

  1. http://espn.go.com/blog/sec/post/_/id/32223/richardsons-cell-phone-blowing-up Shows how classy they are in bayou country. Since they put a cell tower in the swamp, LSU fans like to call the star of the other team before the big games. Funny part? All of that heckling from the fan base, and I bet none of them will step on the field and attempt to tackle Trent Richardson. Grow up. Then another story is, LSU's TE thinks Alabama's LBs and Safety cannot cover him because they're slow...Ask Jeff Demp and Rainey how often they got passed them....
    2 points
  2. I cannot interpret if that in reference to me for complaining about phone calls or to LSU fans..If it in reference to my post, then are saying it's acceptable for a fan base to find a way to obtain another player's phone number and blow it up all day? If so, let's all find nothing better to do with our lives but gain phone numbers of players on opposing teams and heckle them before every game. TR has two daughters, what if there was an emergency and he couldn't talk to his family because of constant harassment from fans?.. It's stupid and immature. Bottom line.
    2 points
  3. Don't worry , the govt. will soon have a new front to send you to.
    1 point
  4. Snagged a dead deer last spring that had drowned and mostly decomposed under the ice Getting my pointer back was not a fun deal. I did get a decent 8 point rack off of it though, figured I'd already got my hands dirty might as well go all out.
    1 point
  5. I like how the pic says "attached thumbnail". Not quite.
    1 point
  6. This reminds me of the urban legends regarding lobster bait. Some old timers swore up and down that a brick soaked in kerosene, or a used oil filter would catch lobsters like crazy. Supposedly the oil attracted them. I don't know about that since I never tried it. Tried a bunch of other things like road kill, cowhide, stinky cheese (once), cat food by punching holes in the tin cans, plus putting empty coca cola cans in a trap, kinda like a rattle in a lure, I'd guess. Road kill was a mess. Once in a while it would attract a lobster, but the road kill was messy as heck. It would gradually decompose to a slimy mess. Cowhide softened and swelled, but it was ineffective. It did withstand the onslaught of sand fleas very well. The coke cans? No noticable difference compared to the canless traps. Cat food worked but made for very expensive bait. Too expensive to use unless it produced a dramatic increase in catch rates. The cheese however was an unqualified success. The next time we hauled the cheese baited trap we took over ten pounds of lobsters out of it. But, one trap does not a scientific study make. No doubt it would have worked well as bait, but would have been cost prohibitive. There was an old gent that used to hang around the dock who sprayed his elbows, knees, and hands with WD40, and his bald head. He was convinced that it was good for his joints. His moniker was Bippy. When he'd start telling his WD40 stories, we'd call him Dippy. He was a good natured guy and took it all with a smile and a laugh.
    1 point
  7. Or an outboard motor, LOL.
    1 point
  8. Totally agree, I think you should use braid for all bottom contact lures too.
    -1 points
  9. Heres my take on college... If you can learn it yourself, don't waste your time. Programming, graphic design, marketing, accounting, management, etc... self teach. Obviously you can't do this if you want to be a doctor or something similar. I've learned more on my own (both working and during my own time) than I ever did in college. Heck, in one class me and a few other students practically taught the thing while the teacher tried to act like he knew his stuff... I saw him working at a pretzel stand in the mall a few months later.
    -1 points
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