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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/31/2011 in all areas

  1. I've been watching a lot of fishing videos lately, and now I'm watching old Classic highlight shows on ESPN Classic (turn it on if you're reading this on Friday night) and I've been paying close attention to how everyone casts. It's interesting how everyone does it a little bit different. What I'm wondering is how many people do the switch? Just to be clear, an example of someone who switches would be someone who has their right thumb on the spool and holds the rod with their right hand during the cast, and then after the cast switches the whole thing so they're reeling with their right hand and holding the rod with their left. Do you guys feel that switching is a bad habit? I had never thought about it before but you're spending a lot of extra time an energy and also not feeling much during that split second during the exchange from one hand to the other. If you were with a new fisherman on their first day with a bait caster would you discourage them from falling into the habit of switching?
    1 point
  2. Blind hate? You haven't a clue how many reels I've abused, and of what brand or type. It isn't blind hate at all, it's first hand experience. And it's spelled that way intentionally. If I have to explain it, you're already beyond it.
    1 point
  3. Chrome is very "Meh.." in my eyes. Having to deal with various IT business apps and remote support, chrome is a no go. To get to it do what you want it to do is mind numbing task and most of the cases just does not work. So for that reason, I do not use it. Firefox is my go to and I.E. is the sad lonely child in the corner chewing his own shoe because his brain is not fully developed yet. I also do not like the idea of Chrome because all of the hype, its like "Ooohhh Google made it! I search with Google! Google is awesome! That means its the best browser ever!" Wrong. Chrome's security flaws have been growing just as fast as Google has been patching them...but...to each his/her own I guess.
    1 point
  4. This isn't an attack, but if you are having a hard time finding charitable work in our country, you need to refine your search techniques. They're everywhere! Start your search with the easy ones. Habitat for Humanity, Shriner's Hospitals, March of Dimes, Special Olympics, Red Cross, Big Brothers/Big Sisters, Salvation Army, and even Tackle the Storm would make an interesting start, and would barely scratch the surface. Large or small, there are many more charities such as these that target specific needs within communities across the entire country. Have you ever seen a Jerry Lewis telethon for MDA? Many veterans groups provide help to other vets and their families. Almost every American Legion Post has a service officer that provides guidance and help to members in need. The local American Legion I belong to provides free transportation for area vets to hospitals and such. They also run a food bank for residents regardless of veteran status. Looking closer to home, almost every city, town, or village has local organizations or churches that operate their own programs to help on the local level. Besides the Legion Post I mentioned above, there are several area churches that operate food banks, heating assistance programs, and other charitable activities. Many local Home Builders Associations team up with colleges or trade schools to upgrade the homes of the elderly or poor in their areas which in turn helps reduce these folks heating costs during the winter. Quite honestly, the area I live in is overrun with charitable organizations to the point where a person could stay busy 7 days a week if they wanted to donate their time to help. Most likely, the area you live in is the same too. All it takes to become a part of this flood of goodwill towards your fellow citizens is to walk into your local United Way and say the following words; "How can I help?".
    1 point
  5. Maxximus Redneckus the deprivation and suffering in Haiti is at a level that is hard to believe. The natural disaster did not cause many of the problems, but they are much worse now. Your "turd is a turd" analogy is offensive, at least to me. These are human beings who are suffering. This church is attempting to help. How can you condemn that. One other thing, it has been my experience that those who have the least resources are usually the ones who give the most. They don't wait until they can afford to help; they just do. Yes, their are plenty who need help at home. That does not mean a group of believers can't also provide help elsewhere. Raider Nation Fisher this is a mission trip paid for by the members of a church. They have given of their time and money to try to help people who are suffering. Again, it's what the church is called to do. You don't know the commitment of this church to the local community. Churches that do this sort of mission work are almost always very active in the local community. If a church wants to help in Haiti, or Somalia, or anywhere else where inhuman conditions are present, don't they have the right to do it? Your 'tell me why wanting to help Americans is wrong' argument is made of straw. The only issue here is whether the church has the freedom to try to help outside of the borders of our country. I think they have both the freedom and the duty to do so.
    1 point
  6. I love bass fishing, I love fishing in as many tournaments as I can on my local water. I also love sleeping in my own bed every night, watching my kids grow up, and not having debt out the wazoo to selfishly chase a dream. I love that I can choose NOT to go fishing when I don't feel like it. I do not like the idea of "you have to catch them" to make a living. I am far better at making one at a lower stress level. So in case you can't guess............NO for me.
    1 point
  7. Chrome is all I use. IE is a joke.
    1 point
  8. Never. I like both of my jobs too much to turn them into something I used to do, and I like fishing way too much to turn it into a job.
    1 point
  9. I went to CHROME cause ESPN3 works great with it not so much IE. Now lots of sports to watch.
    1 point
  10. Unless the strike is very obvious, I will quickly reel up any slack and while watching the line, I will very gently try to feel for any weight or movement before I set the hook. A bass will hold onto a well scented jig for a couple seconds, so there's no need for extreme urgency. A bump could be some nice cover or structure, or it could just be from panfish. If I were to set the hook on every little bump on a jig or T-rig, I wouldn't be able to probe the bottom of the lake as well, which is one of the main advantages of these baits. Usually, panfish will just give you a rapid-fire nibble, but sometimes they can really whack a jig or soft plastic bait.
    1 point
  11. You can't buy skill. I am living proof.
    1 point
  12. Improved clinch and double clinch works fine for me. Simple to tie too.
    1 point
  13. In what direction does her bias lead her (leader)?
    1 point
  14. My skunk ratio is directly proportional to the size of fish I´m targeting, 8-12 inchers ? very seldomly, 10+ pounders ? man, I don´t even want to now my skunk ratio but it stinks like ..... skunk.
    1 point
  15. Take a deep breath.....maybe if we describe it as a spinnerbait/donkey rig hybrid technique, we can incorporate it into the power fishing spectrum within an open water moving bait pattern. I'll say again: I love how LMB guys think their fishing is different than just fishing.
    0 points
  16. 60 70 yrs ago Haiti was paradise ..Now days its a cesspool that natural disaster just added more trash to a place already trashed ..sorta like hey wow lets go give these ppl something they never had anyhow and use the disaster as a excuse ..We cant help anyone until we clean ourselves up first ."A turd is a turd even if you paint it gold and spray it with cologne" no offense to anyone
    0 points
  17. I try to bite my tongue, and hate to say this...but I always see comments about your parents, and to be honest, the way they act isn't parent-like at all (and is quite immature). I'm sorry you have to put up with the BS that you do. Congrats on the acceptance though, that is a phenomenal accomplishment.
    -1 points
  18. If your gonna have blind hate for a brand at least spell it right.
    -1 points
  19. In no way was I trying to take away from what he is doing. I'm happy he is helping others that need it. I was just stating that there are people here, that need help also. I in no way said he should not go do what he feels he is being lead to do. If it came across that way then I apologize. I just don't see the reason why we as Americans always rush to fix the problems of the rest of the world when we have are own here. If that makes me a bad person then so be it. If people want to go help others in other countries, fine, more power to them. It just seems to me that all you ever here about is going to help in _________(insert country here), and not that much about what people do or are doing on the home front. Again if wanting to take care of the people in America makes me a bad guy, hate monger, inhuman, careless being. Then so be it I'll wear that badge with pride. If someone cares to shed some light on that for me (without attacking me), I would be more than happy to hear the reasoning behind it.
    -2 points
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