This isn't an attack, but if you are having a hard time finding charitable work in our country, you need to refine your search techniques. They're everywhere!
Start your search with the easy ones. Habitat for Humanity, Shriner's Hospitals, March of Dimes, Special Olympics, Red Cross, Big Brothers/Big Sisters, Salvation Army, and even Tackle the Storm would make an interesting start, and would barely scratch the surface. Large or small, there are many more charities such as these that target specific needs within communities across the entire country. Have you ever seen a Jerry Lewis telethon for MDA? Many veterans groups provide help to other vets and their families. Almost every American Legion Post has a service officer that provides guidance and help to members in need. The local American Legion I belong to provides free transportation for area vets to hospitals and such. They also run a food bank for residents regardless of veteran status.
Looking closer to home, almost every city, town, or village has local organizations or churches that operate their own programs to help on the local level. Besides the Legion Post I mentioned above, there are several area churches that operate food banks, heating assistance programs, and other charitable activities. Many local Home Builders Associations team up with colleges or trade schools to upgrade the homes of the elderly or poor in their areas which in turn helps reduce these folks heating costs during the winter.
Quite honestly, the area I live in is overrun with charitable organizations to the point where a person could stay busy 7 days a week if they wanted to donate their time to help. Most likely, the area you live in is the same too. All it takes to become a part of this flood of goodwill towards your fellow citizens is to walk into your local United Way and say the following words; "How can I help?".