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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/29/2011 in all areas

  1. Since "art" takes countless forms from just splattering paint on a surface, to making a miniature Taj Mahal from cow dung, from the unrecognizable to something that looks like a photograph, from humanoids with more than two arms or their mouths above their eyes, etc, all have their devotees and detractors. Art or eyesore, it's all in the eye of the individual. No matter the form it takes, anything that is applied to the property of another without their permission is vandalism, plain and simple. It's not art. You call it art. I'll call it an eyesore, regardless of the "skill" involved. These taggers, artists, no matter what they say know it's wrong or they wouldn't be doing it under the cover of darkness to avoid getting caught. Taggers, crews, whatever, try to outdo each other. The more brazen the better. Millions of dollars are spent to either cover up or remove the "art" from property, both public and private. It's wanton disregard for the property of others and the costs involved to undo their handiwork. Sorry, I'm not buying what you're selling. When a community or individual has a large surface that's made available to these artists it's all good.
    3 points
  2. Probably the coolest boat mod I have seen in a while...so badass it makes me sick
    1 point
  3. Like people said, its the +/-. Or in my posts it must come up as only - .....
    1 point
  4. Got it recorded. dunham is funny. carlos is funny blue collar guys are funny. grundle, who do you think is funny? Britney Spears?
    1 point
  5. I have to agree with Grund. Puppets = NOT FUNNY
    1 point
  6. Personal opinion or researched fact? NGaHB
    1 point
  7. I do not like split grips either but they are all the rage these days. Main problem with the Triumph/Premiers is that most have stiff tips and are under rated for power. Even my 6'6" ML Premier has too much tip for topwater.
    0 points
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