Hey guys.
I see tons of posts on here about anglers attempting to get sponsored and/or hook up pro-staff positions. I thought I would shed some light from a bait company's perspective.
I get a lot of emails from people wishing to get sponsored. Most just want free stuff.. and trust me.. we can very easily identify what it is you are really looking for, so be careful when communicating with a company.
Also, what many of you may not realize, is that companies are in constant communication with one another. I am personally friends with many bait company owners, and most are not even remotely located close to me. We communicate daily and often talk about people who have approached all of us, looking for the same thing. Keep this in mind when you send emails or letters to companies of the same products. Once we find out you contacted all of us, most likely you will be dismissed.
What not to do:
-Don't send emails with bad grammar. This is the BIGGEST no-no you could possibly do. Not capitalizing letters or use of incorrect punctuation will dramatically decrease your chances.
-With current technology the way it is, Facebook is not an unprofessional way of approaching a company. I interact with many anglers via facebook. And although some companies will frown on this, many don't care on what form of communication you use. HOWEVER, do NOT contact a company on facebook, when your page contains beer, girls, and disorderly conduct. That includes inappropriate statuses, pictures, etc. This will NOT help your cause. So if you feel your facebook page is not up to par, do not contact anyone through facebook.
-Do not email or write a company and immediately tell us what kind of discount you want. If we work out a deal, that part will be considered and decided by us.
-Do not approach a plastics company and include a resume saying you are sponsored by a plastics company!! I know you guys think that is obvious, but you would be surprised!
-Do not contact a company when you have no interest in their product. If you are a spinnerbait fisherman and have never fished a jig, don't contact a jig company.
Now things you should ALWAYS do:
-ALWAYS be familiar with the company's product. Include something in the email/letter about one of their products and something that you like about it.
-ASK QUESTIONS!!! Ask about our products. Be interested!
-List all the ways you will help us. I know this has been said before but the main question we want answered is, "How does sponsoring you help bring us more business?"
You have to 'wow' us. How do you stand out from everyone else? When we read your resume, we want to be impressed. Don't make up anything in the resume.. We do check. It also doesn't hurt to attach attach a few pictures. We want to know what you look like.
Once you do make Pro Staff, constantly keep in touch. If we can't get a hold of you or haven't heard from you in months. You might be forgotten about.
Also, if you really really really want to suck up. Hooking up a deal with a bait company and a local tackle store will grant you Pro Staff for life. That is the ultimate.
Last but not least, BELIEVE IN THE COMPANY! Please don't just try and rack up as many as you can. Contact the companies you truly believe in. You will help them a lot more than a company you don't.
I hope this has helped somebody. And if anyone wants to try your resumes on me, let 'er rip!
Good luck and happy fishing!