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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/15/2011 in all areas

  1. I am on record as saying I believe speaking out was the right thing to do. Bass made a decision based on the evidence at hand to issue the penalty they thought appropriate. Whether I, you, or Ray Scott agree with that decision doesn't change a thing. What does your continued public pursuit of this matter accomplish? Those that believe you did the right thing will continue to believe. Those that don't are not going to change their minds based on your testimony. What good will a polygraph do? It will not stand up to a legal challenge, and any publicity that comes from this will not help the sport. What would Ray Scott have said when he was the man in charge if his authority and judgment were questioned? That he hasn't done so publicly as far as I know, seems to support that he doesn't want BASS drug through the mud publicly. That makes sense to me.
    2 points
  2. Tigers are kickin butt and they don't care what your name is, or where you are from. Bring on the post-season Yanks.....
    1 point
  3. Don Barone's recent editorial: http://www.bassresource.com/fish-fishing/bass-fishing-money
    1 point
  4. At night I prefer a very wide wobble fat bodied crank like the norman fat boy Catt suggested.
    1 point
  5. Clayton, according to your profile you're 24 yrs old with a wife and children and getting ready to leave for military service. First, thank you for your service to our country. Second, listen to your counselor and family. Get your fishing advice from a fishing forum
    1 point
  6. Turn it on its side, NOW, its a "C" shaped tube..........
    1 point
  7. Hey John, You might want to check out Parasite clips and worm weight. I use them quite a bit and they do extend the life of what ever bait I'm heaving at the time. A-Jay http://parasiteweights.com/store/product_info.php?cPath=21&products_id=30
    1 point
  8. Thanks for the info guys, I passed it along to my partner, he knows more aboiut it than me and may have some of those baits already. Keep the tips coming, I can never get enouigh. Thanks Cliff
    1 point
  9. Yes it's true. Breakups happen when guys get deployed. I've been at the Army Enlisted Club the weekend after the Navy sent a fleet out for six months and seen all the young girls with wedding ring tans on their left hand. It was pretty sad. But more marriages stay together than those that break up. My brother-in-law has been in two wars and deployed more times than I can remember and he's still married to my sister. I have a good friend who I've known since he was a 2nd Lieutenant and he is now a Major in the Special Forces. He was one of the ones who disappeared just minutes after the events of 9/11. He's been gone more than he's been home and he and his wife are still very much committed to each other. Plan for the future, set goals, and be honest and committed to each other and there shouldn't be a problems during a deployment. Get her set up with internet and Skype before you leave and you will be able to talk to here face to face all the time. Call her every day that you can and don't get mad when you can't get in touch with her for a day or two. The time difference is hard to get used to at first. Good luck and keep your eyes open and stay alert.
    1 point
  10. I just don't understand why you felt that you had to defend your decision to turn him in on a public forum. You must have felt you were justified or you wouldn't have done it. What does it matter what other people think ?
    1 point
  11. Brother if you don't want to catch the fish, don't use a hook. Fish are not equal. They are on the food chain a lot lower than us. I do somewhat respect the fish, and almost always catch and release unless I'm catching to cook. But I try not to feel too bad when I hook a fish, I mean that is what I'm trying to do. You can always try crimping the barbs down. That way the hooks come out easier.
    1 point
  12. You are so pumped you needed to start two identical threads?
    -1 points
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