wow, when did people become so sensitive about fish? if youre that worried about injuring or killing a bass then dont fish for them, plain and simple.
also, i dont see why people get mad at others for keeping fish so long as its done within the laws and regulations of your state and the particular fishery youre on. there are more bass than you can imagine in most waters, plenty to go around. its not gonna hurt the fishery unless its like a tiny small pond. if i were to catch a 10lb bass and someone came rushing over to see and then started pressuring me to release it, id most likely keep it just to tick them off and i dont even eat fish. now if someone just wanted to see it, id let it go. but if i catch i fish(legally) and want to keep it(legally) then i feel NO ONE has a right to come try and convince me to release it, sounds like unwelcomed harassment. i say just mind your business and dont worry about what others do as long as its legal. because really, its none of your business what i catch and keep. and i take this point of view knowing i dont keep any fish myself. just worry about what you can do about the fish you catch. i cant believe the nerve of some people approaching others asking them to release a fish that was legally obtained. it may be your belief and think its in the best moral interests to release the fish you catch, but it doesnt mean you should try and enforce your way of thinking on anyone else that thinks differently than you do...