Hey man i can understand your uneasiness with it if you haven't had any previous experience, but it's really nothing to worry about. Some g.ays are way cool laid back and great friends, while others are ****** bags that will stab you in the back and be horrible people. But guess what? Staight people are the same way. Some cool, some not. And it's no joke that a g.ay friend can be the absolute best wing man you could ever have. Most women are more comfortable and trusting of a man that they know couldnt care less about their **** or getting in their pants, and a good word from him could seal the deal for you time and again, or get you in the door with your future wife. (I realize as a college freshman your still thinking quantity over quality but that will probably change eventually)Just be yourself and dont act any different than you would normally. Most straight guys automatically assume that a g.ay dude is checking them out and act uncomfortably, but more often than not thats not the case so just be cool and treat him like a normal person. Good luck.