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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/13/2011 in all areas

  1. It doesn't matter how bad the specs are, the posse will buy them by the truckload and recommend them to everybody who asks "What's the best reel for $____" regardless of whether or not they've actually used them.
    1 point
  2. There's a bunch of boats at the lake I fish that go about trolling along always fishing the channel bank. I think they hate it when they see me in their way with my kayak. Some politely go around some get way too close but I don't move spot. Especially if that's where the fish are at. One time I pulled a fish and moments later some dude in a nearby boat who seen me does a long cast right in the exact same spot I pulled it from. He didn't catch nothing would of been funny if he did. Some of that stuff makes my blood boil but being friendly is your biggest asset.
    1 point
  3. Hey thanks brushoggin that was helpful.
    1 point
  4. Once they hatch they kick it with dad until they are able to swim, then the fry school up and swim around near the nest while dad fights off predators until they grow about an inch.Yes, Dad eats a few sometimes. Out of all the thousands of eggs, supposedly only 5-10 grow beyond 10 inches. Then they assume the normal behavioral roll of a bass.
    1 point
  5. HA! that just made my afternoon. get well soon. ha
    1 point
  6. Make the fence opening bigger. Then you can put it in the backyard! Jeff
    1 point
  7. Barely out of puberty and already a medical expert. Tobacco products have a cumulative negative effect, at 15 yo it's unlikely to show signs of wear and tear on ones body. Hasn't your dentist told you smoking is one of the leading causes of heart attacks? Hasn't he told you smoking creates plaque that leads to gum disease? I'd be in the market for a new dentist. Being a smoker myself I can tell you it takes it toll after many years. Lungs may be fine now, but many smokers have COPD, like me, gum disease like me and have spent 20k so far on bone graffs, sinus lifts, implants and I'm not done yet. This ordeal is now going on 2 years of discomfort and major expense. This is just tip the iceberg of the medical problems than can occur from tobacco. Not only are these products very costly on a day to day basis, but premiums are much higher( if they write you at all) for life insurance and healthcare. I know people have gr parents that smoked for 75 years and lived to 90.........those are just a few of the lucky ones,many aren't that fortunate. To paraphrase something Roadwarrior said a few weeks ago, "don't take this kid's advice".
    1 point
  8. I tried it and I enjoy it, along with cigarettes, and snus, And other stuff Don't regret it. I don't have bad lungs, because I exercise. My dentist loves my mouth, because I brush them twice a day like it says on the toothpaste. Although, im sure the chemicals aren't good for us. But like OHIO said almost everything is bad for us. You only live once too, so you might as well enjoy your ride.
    1 point
  9. 0 points
  10. Never have never will. Probably the most disgusting thing imaginable.
    -1 points
  11. A smallie put a crankbait treble in big toe early in my tx on Sunday. I ripped it out with pliers, and fished to take second.
    -1 points
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