In the mid 80's a distant cousin of mine was fishing a central Florida orange grove farm private lake. As he was moving along in his boat, he felt the familiar "tap" on his plastic worm. He set the hook, fought the bass up to the side of the boat, and realized it was not only the larget bass he had ever hooked, but the largest bass he had ever seen. He estimated the fish to be 16 to 18 pounds. Somehow, the fish came unhooked on a final surge. My cousin sat there shaking, and just calmly held his favorite rod and reel over the edge of the boat, opened his hand, and donated the rig to the bottom of the lake.
Personally, I've caught one between 8 and 9. However at Joe Wheeler reservoir I lost one that hit right at the boat on a 1 ounce spinnerbait that was likely 9-10 pounds. I was using one o fthose old 5500 with the delay in the anti reverse, he hit 10' from the boat and I just lifted up instead of setting the hook and she rolled onto her side, opened her mouth (she had clamped down on the head) and spit the lure right back out at me.