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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/05/2011 in all areas

  1. Indy, December 23, 2001 - July 4, 2011 Indy, who traveled many places with us, passed away quickly, though not totally unexpectedly, this afternoon. Heck of a way to celebrate the Fourth of July. I'll celebrate his life with a few pictures of him. About four months old, March 2002 At ten months, seat belted and ready for our first trip to Georgia together. Thirteen months, placed second in his only show appearance. At fifteen months, being put in his place by his ten week old sister/cousin, who joined our family in March of 2003
    3 points
  2. Before any great achievement, some measure of depression is very usual. Charles Spurgeon
    2 points
  3. 16 people die everyday from starvation and we are seeing how many different foods we can stuff in our fat gullets in the shortest amount of time. what a messed up world we live in
    1 point
  4. I would fish directly over them with Flutter Spoons or a Drop Shot
    1 point
  5. I figured if anyone understood, it would be you. I"m glad you mentioned Lowrance, that's the brand I'm considering as well Roger
    1 point
  6. Catt you posted a photo of an outside hump (exposed underwater island) during low water conditions last year(?), that looked ideal if it had more water on it now. That is the type of structure with wood to target. I'm too old to fish 100+ temps with no wind and would wait for better conditions, like night time. I don't own a Lowrance Structure Scan unit with both down/side scanning, however have fished using it and you can see individaul fish suspended on the side scanner in cover in 5' of water, which is shallow to me. The fish show up as dots, not the traditional arcs. Way off topic. Tom
    1 point
  7. Every thing I want to post can be summarized in this video: NSFW 18+ (LANGUAGE ONLY)
    1 point
  8. Sorry to hear about it, Rhino. There aren't too many things that are more painful than the loss of a loved pet/family member. I still tear up from time to time when I think about the dog my family lost a few months ago. It does get better though. Just remember that all dogs do go up to doggy heaven. He's probably up there chewing away on a bone or two right now smiling down on you.
    1 point
  9. all out of stock unless you want a 51
    1 point
  10. Don't you mean "Hillbilly crush?"
    1 point
  11. Dwight described a good example of the Long-Term effect of sustained winds. During strong winds from a sustained direction, warm surface water from the upwind side of the lake is physically blown across the lake toward the lake's downwind side. When windblown surface water reaches the downwind shore, the tapering slope of the lake's bottom acts like a wedge, rolling the surface layer underneath. This produces a warm subsurface layer of water moving in the opposite direction (against the wind). Over time, this causes a "rotary action" throughout the entire lake. In lakes that stratify however, this rotary action tends to be limited to the depth of the thermocline, which is a thin water layer of greater density. But during the fall when the thermocline begins to atrophy and eventually rupture, the entire lake is vulnerable to turning over, an event of course we call the Fall Turnover. In lakes that stratify, a strong and prolonged wind from the same direction can produce a so-called "seiche". A seiche is a "tilted" thermocline that is actually deeper on the lake's downwind side, where hydraulic build-up forces the thermocline lower (deeper). Meanwhile, surface water that was blown away from the lake's upwind side is replaced by cooler, deeper water vacuumed from below, a process that tends to pull the thermocline higher (shallower). It doesn't take much imagination to appreciate the effect this might have on fishing. If we include "tidal waters" we can expand on the influence of wind direction. Here again though, the phenomenon is not dependent on wind direction in isolation, but in this case depends on wind direction as it correlates to tidal direction. For instance, a strong wind blowing in the same direction as the incoming tide will cause abnormally high water (flood tide). In contrast, a robust wind that's blowing against the incoming tide can greatly reduce the water depth at High Tide. Both situations will have a strong influence on location, because abnormally high water increases the area of shallow flats, while abnormally low water sharply reduces available shoal area. Roger
    1 point
  12. Wind direction can have a strong effect on larger bodies of water. Sustained strong east winds will actually turn lake erie over by bringing the colder/deeper waters around Buffalo (eastern basin) to the warmer/medium deep waters of the central basin. The surface temps can drop 5-10 degrees. It does shut down the catching for several days to a week.. Strong west winds suck the water from the shallow/warmer western basin & leave some marinas without any water! This pattern happens seemingly every year. Sustain wind speeds almost always dirty the water & reduce visibility greatly. Normal winds speeds from the east do not really have much effect on my catch ratios. Sam, Rolo & Bassin_Fin@tic have all covered the topic pretty well.
    1 point
  13. Take it for a test run and see for yourself. If every thing checks out OK, buy it.
    1 point
  14. 0 points
  15. He was a real gentleman. Never, and I mean never a moment's trouble from about four months of age. He seemed to instinctively understand the rules of the house. He never chewed a thing that was not one of his toys, or something handed to him as a toy. I'll never forget that trip he and I took together. Had a comforter spread across the front passenger seat and the console. He could move around, while the seat belt restraint would not allow him to reach the dash in a panic braking situation. He also had his space with the rear seat folded up. I had a platform with bedding on it. When he wanted to sleep back there, I'd pull over, unclip him and he'd hop into his bed behind the front seats. After he'd slept long enough, he'd put his head on the console between the seats. This was his way of communicating that he wanted back up front. He easily could have hopped onto the seat from there, but he'd always wait until the truck was stopped and he was invited up. Then he'd clamber onto the passenger seat and wait for me to secure him. Then he'd either sit and look out the windows, or lie with his head near me on the console. He also understood right off, the drill for staying at motels. Once registered, we'd walk around the designated areas, and after he did his business, we'd go to our room. Never the slightest reluctance about being in an unfamiliar place. As long as he was with me, it was like he was home. He'd hop on the bed, just like at home. In all our travels, neither he, nor Ava had an accident in our room. They never barked either. I don't know why he loved to "ride" so much. Once the truck started rolling, he'd be asleep within five miles. You'd never know he (they) were there. I'd check to make sure he was there. Slow down for a toll booth or an exit and he'd instantly be up to see what was going on. He never barked at another dog on our journeys. In fact, most of the time he paid no attention to them. He did his business, be it eating or relieving himself and we'd be on our way. I'll miss all those things, but man, I have a ton of precious memories about him.
    0 points
  16. perasites and stuff in that category.....ive caught bass and crappie with them
    -1 points
  17. Ha, sorry. I literally know nothing about the case except from an article headline i read yesterday entitled "Party girl goes on trial"... now that i think about it that's pretty messed up huh? meh. edit: is this going to be like the OJ thing? where everyone is obsessed with it and we are still going to be hearing about it for years after? 100 bucks she gets a reality show.
    -2 points
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