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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/24/2011 in all areas

  1. Why didn't you also ask for money to buy a new boat since yours has mechanical issues? Get a job and pay for your own tournaments. After a few seasons of consistently high rankings in your tourneys, try again with a new resume.
    1 point
  2. The guy in japan that got the world record on his gill I think I read that he says he cuts off there dorsal fin so its easier for the bass to swallow and incresses hooking the fish no pointy spines in the way.
    1 point
  3. im going to put this nicely, this does not make you any different than what most 16 year olds who fish tournys and has a computer thinks. just that wont fly with a company. I have had sponsors for a couple years, you have no idea the time investment it takes and it cut in to your fishing. im going to give you advise, keep fishing, quit looking for sponsors, look for a part time job to pay for entry fees, get good grades and get to college. in college take marketing classes and fish on a college fishing team. listen to lynyrdsky1, he has been through the ringer on here, I will add to what he said you resume is too wordy and personal. they dont want to read they just want to see the facts. and I got bad news if you dont make it to weigh in to show there product it is no help to them so you might want to leave that out. if you have questions let me know I hope this helps.
    1 point
  4. Ben fished with me every time I fished, but he was a golden retriever.
    1 point
  5. Go back on this forum and read as many threads as you can. Doing this may save you some trouble because a lot of people, like yourself, jump the gun on the subject of sponsors with out really thinking about it. I know this because at one time I did this. Here are some questions you need to ask yourself: What differs you, not just from people your age, but everyone else out there looking for a sponsor? Are you a people person? Can you for sure, not just market the companies product, but market yourself? Do you have tournament experience? Do you have knowledge of the companies products? These questions are very vague and there is still alot you have to think about. So again think through things before you start getting all excited. p.s. I really did not want to bring this up because I am also guilty of this, work on your spelling and writing cause without it, you are pretty much of no use to any company. Education is Key!!
    1 point
  6. Fishing Résumé Hi my name is Waylon Barton I have been fishing since I can remember. I am 16 years old and bass fish pretty much everyday. When I have the money I do every tournaments i can on lake Conroe, Houston, and lake Livingston. I have my own website on which I will promote your company. I think it will get you more sales if you sponsor me. Tournaments Results I have won 3 of the one fish tournaments on lake Livingston I have got 2nd in a few local bass tournaments on lake Houston The last tournament I entered it was mid-day and I had 3 bass weighing 17 pounds and then my boat broke down and i had to leave and didnt make the weigh in. It will be greatly appericated if anyone can give me a call or email. Thanks, Waylon Barton 20262 youpon ln Porter TX 77365 Phone Number:281-740-6040 Email:waybarton@hotmail.com
    -1 points
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