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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/20/2011 in all areas

  1. Grundle, I was just pondering the riskiness of catching a pike by the mouth, with the teeth and all, do you think this is perhaps a risky move by the gentleman with his arm in the ice?
    3 points
  2. Its not the move itself, come on living in Cleveland or Miami is it really a choice. But it is how he handled it. There is another player who was loved in Cleveland and left for Miami, Big Z. Is he hated in Cleveland, nope. He is still loved there because he handled it right.
    2 points
  3. They indicate where he has been before being caught, color, pattern or the lack of it indicate the water clarity and/ or light penetration.
    1 point
  4. The media was drooling on their shoes for over a year in advance about what Lebron was going to do and where he was going to go. The situation blew up on it's own. Lebron saw a chance to make the Boys Home some money by turning 'The Decision' into a primetime event. The media caused all the hype and it started even before his last season in Cleveland started. The media created that monster because they speculated and talked about 'The Decision' nonstop all thru the season. Lebron just went with it. For the record, I'm not a Lebron hater or a Lebron fan. I do kinda feel sorry for the guy because every move he makes, whether good or bad, is criticized to the max by the media. It seems like he can't win no matter what he does.
    1 point
  5. Split shot rig with a small 5 inch curly tail worm is straight deadly.
    1 point
  6. Is there a thermocline? Once water warms up over 75 degrees or so I use my electronics to try and locate a thermocline. Then I'll try to fish structure/cover that intersects with the thermocline. I don't think this is a cure-all approach, but it gives me a place to start when fishing warmer water. Years ago (early 80's) there was a fisheries biologist from the University of Oklahoma - Loren Hill. He did quite a bit of research into bass color preferences and water preferences. He believed, and had quite a bit of research to back it up that the single most important factor in fish location was water PH. I remember reading some scholar-type articles he wrote about defining a PH cline, which is like a thermocline, but a distinct change in water PH as opposed to temperature. He went on to market the Color-C-Lector and the Combo-C-Lector with Lake Systems, Inc. I heard Loren Hill speak at a fishing seminar a couple of years after the Color-C-Lector hit the market. He talked about how he wasn't in charge of marketing, and how the unit had been, in a sense, marketed under false pretenses. The Color-C-Lector didn't define the fishes "favorite" color. What it did tell you was what color was most visible to fish, given the water color. The primary problem with the Color-C- Lector was that it was too precise. Given 3 feet of visibility, 8 feet down over weeds it would read one color, move 30 feet and now you're 8 feet down over pea gravel and it is reading an entirely different color. It was very frustrating, and as Loren Hill pointed out, the color that bass could see best, given the water clarity wasn't necessarily the color that bass would most readily strike. The Combo-C-Lector was the basic unit combined with a PH meter. The idea was that you would slowly drop the probe until you noticed a significant difference in the PH. Right at this moment, I don't remember what the "preferred" PH was. All I remember was that the unit was a pain to use, it was slow to deploy and there were many things that effected the water PH in any given location. (wind, time of day/sunlight, algae concentration, just to name a few) Anyway, the point of this rant is that your question has motivated me to go back and re-read Loren Hill's research. I'll report more on that later. Anyway, what I do know is that water temperature isn't the only factor in play here. Water clarity and PH also play a role, but I don't know exactly how they all fit together at this moment. Something to think about and research.
    1 point
  7. GrundleLove, did you read that article?
    1 point
  8. There's a diver underneath the water putting fish on the hook. That is funny enough by itself that no comment is needed. These shows are taped over a couple days, and the dinks and pickerel are edited out, so all you get are the good looking fish.
    1 point
  9. Laugh all you want but mine has been the 1/16 oz jig on a little twist tail grub.
    1 point
  10. Here are FLW's Official Rules, sure hope everyone recovers. In the event of equipment failure or emergency, there will be only two permitted methods of returning to the check-in: (1) by both partners remaining in their boat and being towed by water, or (2) by both partners entering the boat of another tournament contestant. Under these two conditions the contestants’ catches may be counted without a penalty (except for late penalties, dead-fish penalties or other penalties pertaining to other tournament rules).
    1 point
  11. IMHO, The most off putting thing about Lebron is the fact that he acts like a spoiled kid who has had everything handed to him for a long time, which I would guess is true. Now I understand that this is not his fault, he has the natural talent and he is using it to his benefit, but I think it's unfortunate that he doesn't have a mature enough figure in his life to help mentor him, as he is still very young. I believe he chose Miami for a number of reasons, a couple being a chance to play with his buddy, Wade, a great place to party, and a better atmosphere for endorsements, thus making up the money he left on the table in Cleveland. Oh yeah, and a chance to win. None of this is terrible, it actually would be a dream for most people, but add in his petulance and immaturity, and we have people treating him the way we do.
    1 point
  12. Anyone can make up stuff and start rumors....even here.
    1 point
  13. Really? I think your tin foil helmet is getting a little tight.
    1 point
  14. Always a solid contribution.... Anyway... Yes. Go deep and move slowly (lol) with a jig or a senko maybe a crayfish. There is a great BR article here http://www.bassresource.com/fishing/hot_water.html
    0 points
  15. All of you do realize that these bass fishing shows are not real. The bass are caught before the show and put on the hook by divers who film the fight. The last real TV fishing show that I can remember was "Gadabout Caddis" who flew an small airplane to various fishing lakes and rivers and fished for most North American freshwater species. Lots of shows depicted him casting without results. The show was in the late 1960's and early 1970's. But even Virgil Ward pre-caught the bass that he "caught" on TV. The shows all have a disclaimer that some scenes are depictions of fishing. My father always told me that when I was a little kid. I use to watch fishing shows on weekend mornings and he would say there is divers putting the fish on the hooks for them Recently I have been watching quite a lot of fishing shows on VS and I have to say Dill Dance only catches 4# or better fish it seems. Also though he is never on a real "lake" I only ever see him on ponds and stuff so I can kinda believe he catches those fish but.. I dont believe he catches 15 fish that are 4# or more in one day unless its a pond where they are feeding the fish and actually trying to grow big bass. Also that hook and look show I think might be legit on the fish they catch. Its actually a pretty cool perspective getting to see all the fish and the lure swimming in the water and the fish chasing it down and nailing it.
    -1 points
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