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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/08/2011 in all areas

  1. First of all......WELL SAID LUND ! Whomever said that one of the problems is system abuse is right, here is the abuse as I hear it. Florida Governor Rick Scott's wife owns the majority of the company that is doing the testing($62million in ownership). Rick Scott moved his shares in Solantic into the Frances Anne Scott Revocable Trust, prior to moving the shares into his wife's name he was involved in running the business. Welfare recipiants must pay up front for the testing, money that they probably don't have. Columbia/HCA (Rick Scott)was involved in one of the countries largest medicare fraud cases, Columbia settled. This law has absolutely nothing to do with the poor abusing the system, it has everything to do with lining the pockets of the already wealthy.
    2 points
  2. You might like to use it as a desk top. I am right now Of course this is photoshopped. I used a feature called high pass. Really like the effect. Here's the original.... (I've got much better 'natural' shots of it.... which is why I like the shopped version ) This shot is in a wide screen format. If you use it on an old school 4:3 screen, you will either have to chop the ends off, or stretch it.... I had to size it down about half, for my web hoster to post it Looks freaking tack sharp, at twice this size on a wide screen HD monitor Anyway... Peace, Fish
    1 point
  3. I moved to Michigan to get away from hot weather. Today it is 96* and high humidity. Kelley
    1 point
  4. You are one crazy Cajun Catt. For the big gals my favorite bait combination is a jig seasoned with a brush hog as trailer, don´t know why but black jig/ Castaic choice brush hog seems to be THE combination in my neck of the woods, hell, I don´t even like Castaic choice but if that´s what they like then that´s what I´ll use.
    1 point
  5. X3, I love having a scale. I used to think fish were much bigger than they were and now its like "OH LAWD 4 POUNDER, oh, 2lbs 5oz
    1 point
  6. ": Depends on your lake/river/time of year and patterns the fish are holding. I fish a lot of shallow water 4ft or less, my Side Scan is more of a toy than anything most of the time." The imaging technology is a lot more useful in shallow water than regular sonar. You are not limited to the bottom coverage of the 2D sonar cone. You can "see" away from the boat to whatever the range is set for the side viewing. I can't tell which mfg you have by the "Side Scan" name. Neither company has that as a title. Lowance has Structure Scan and Humminbird has Side Imaging. I use the Humminbird Side Imaging and it is my underwater eyes for sight fishing when fishing shallow (less than 10'). Most of the time I have the Side Imaging range set to about 50' while fishing. That gets me 100' of bottom coverage rather than just what is directly under the boat. If you are not using that technology while fishing you are missing out.
    1 point
  7. those two lures it doesnt matter. Fish the lures with the rod not the reel.
    1 point
  8. I wont comment on that. I'd be calling the kettle black. LOL I do agree. I have some of both. The baby performs much better for me then the reg. Size and numbers.
    1 point
  9. Catt, I do real well on the brush hog but they seem to bite it better at night. And the baby brush hog works better in the daylite hours for me up north. But one color that I have found that is HOT is the Candy bug. it liooks like a june bug color but it will out fish the June bug hands dowm.It is more of a black grape color.
    1 point
  10. A self proclaimed noob who usually catches 3-10 lb'ers? I need to fish where this guy is fishing.
    1 point
  11. Buy yourself a Berkley Lightning rod in MED/HVY FOR 40.00 . How many 10# bass have you caught so far ?
    1 point
  12. Likewise Catt, never had any luck. You'd think they'd filter out all the dinks through intimidation and catch the big girls, but it's not the case. One of those things I just gotta accept even if I don't understand it. Easier looking meal maybe? Hey Catt have you thrown a Game Hawg yet? They're a tad heavier and very slippery with whatever Strike King soaks em in so you can pull em through cover easier than most creature baits with multiple appendages. Could be my imagination, but i think they're also a bit more durable.
    1 point
  13. Post spawn is just like pre-spawn except backwards, the bass will move up or out in the case of post spawn in stages moving one or two break lines at a time, they will not go directly to deep water. So just like pre-spawn ya gonna have to hunt for em along the exact same break lines that led them shallow in the first place. Again with Structure 101 Bass must have a visible path of breaks and break lines on a structure from deep water all the way to the shallows & then back out again. As bass move along a structure they pause or stop at "things"; breaks and break lines on the bottom. It is at such breaks that anglers can expect to make consistent contact with fish as they migrate along structure. This is why a certain stump or flooded tree, dock piling or submerged rock consistently produces bass for anglers. Most of the time such a spot is merely a break or bass stopping point on structure. Find more such breaks on the structure or break lines or even the deep water sanctuary near the structure then you'll find more and bigger bass more often.
    1 point
  14. Well put. I said I took Digital Art for 5 years. What that entailed was more on the creative side. We were encouraged to push the limits and make something out of nothing. I always like turning landscapes into "oblivion" or menacing. I like the clouds, I like how clouds by their own nature can be perceived as something else, like a figure person or animal, i think that what I did with the clouds still applies, but what the eye sees are images that tend to be more violent or obscure because of the opposites of what our natural perception of clouds are. To me the clouds set the tone for the rest of the image. A well known historic American landmark altered in an obscure way that invokes questions of how or why. The gradient map overlay changes the colors of the image to what I believe to be a wasteland-ish color, or representing an old photograph, along with the double bridge with a light opacity. All correlating to the images dark theme. But hey, like you said 5 min. The problem that I had with Chris's image was that the hue/saturation was off the charts. I like what he did with the clouds but would like to have seen the rest of the image different. But the other problem that I am having is that the more I look at it...the more it grows on me. It almost has this radiation-esque feel to it, and I think I like it.
    1 point
  15. Looks like a Lucky Craft Stacy King Jerkbait....
    1 point
  16. It doesn't feature any of the skills you bragged about. Editing a photo shouldn't look like it was edited. What you posted looks terrible to me. It clearly looks like the five minutes of work you claim it to be. But, what looks terrible to me, may be beautiful to someone else. For instance Chris's original edit - not my cup of tea. Get the point? This is a bass fishing forum, I'm not going to go into some discussion about art, and process either.. ****************************** Chris, you have any bad weather shots of that scene? Or one with a close up detail of the boats? That would be a cool idea for this faux-tiltshift technique: http://www.tiltshift...op-tutorial.php
    1 point
  17. I was thinking about HVAC, but after I got some advice from guys who do it, I decided against it. It seems like extremely hard work and long hours. You have to have a big passion for it to do it and it seems like you don't know much about it. I am going to school in August for automotive technology or Diesel technology and I really have a passion for cars. We'll see how big that passion is once I get out in the real world and start working though. My advice, try to find a better job in the diesel field because it sounds like yours sucks, but you have a passion for it. Take this with a grain of salt obviously.
    1 point
  18. Although most will probably disagree, I find that I catch more fish than most on cranks because I use a 5:1 ratio reel and they use 6 or 7:1 ratio. I think the slower reel gives you more control of the bait.
    1 point
  19. We'd all be much better off to not read anything any company says about it's own product.
    1 point
  20. What makes you think being an HVAC/R tech will allow you to spend more time with your family? Steady income LOL. I've been in the commercial/industrial end of the business for the better part of 15 years. Worked at a non union shop for 12 years and have been at union shops for the last 3. First off, your paycheck will depend on the weather. You need to be willing to work ALL the time when there's work. If you don't the shop will have you sitting at home when it's slow. They remember things like that. Secondly, if you don't want to get your hands dirty anymore this isn't for you either. This trade is comprised of many trades. Electrical, plumbing, mechanical, piping, welding, computers, construction, carpentry, puuematics, sheet metal etc. There are compressors as big as the diesel engines you work on. Yes, you can make a good living but it won't come quick and easy. I don't know what the market is in Atl. but in Chicago the starting pay is $12-15 an hour after trade school. The construction industry is dead right now and has been for a couple years. I do all service work and have never been unemployed. My knees are shot as well as my hip. I've had surgeries on my ankle and shoulder. I work in extreme heat and cold blah, blah, blah. Any other ???
    1 point
  21. Who knows. There are people in society that need the social safety net of welfare, and I'm sure that many of them would gladly submit to these screenings, regardless if the law is constitutionally sound or not. That isn't the problem. Society has come to group all welfare recipients into the same classification as being lazy drug addicts who live off the system for no other reason than that they can. The passing of such a law does nothing but puts the government seal of approval on such thoughts. The thing is, I'll bet there are just as many alcoholics who won't get caught up in this novel legislation. There could also be people who have disabilities that require medications that could take away there benefits. The only fair way to administer welfare is to see that the people who do need it are helped, while reducing the number of people who simply play the system. You can't lump the lazy in with those people who have been saddled with physical or mental disabilites that very well couldlast the rest of their lives. I personally know of one Iraq war vet that is drawing both veteran's diability and a limited amount of state welfare for his family, while his wife tries to go to school and maintain their home. I can't imagine that anyone would walk up to a man who can't walk himself and tell him that he and his family is lazy. This law is at the best a weak attempt to correct abuse of the system, and at worst, is only motivated by a subject that we are not supposed to discuss within the pages of this forum. I'm off my soapbox now.
    1 point
  22. It sure is not a good time to be eating on an outdoor balcony of your favorite resturant along the Ohio River when they are blowing around.Can't drink beer from a glass, they really screw up a cold glass of brew, gotta stay with the bottle until there season is over. Bad for fishin too
    1 point
  23. Welfare system = the plague of our society. Enough said.
    1 point
  24. For me, they're totally different tactics and completely different approaches. Hard Baits, IE: Lucky Craft Pointer, Megabass Vision 110, XRap, Husky Jerk, Ima Flit.... Primary method of fishing these baits is in cooler water, early and late in the year. They suspend, rise slowly, or sink very slowly thereby allowing fish to move on the bait without expending tremendous energy. It's all about the hang time during these times. Various sizes available, fish will certainly show a preference at times for one profile or another. Cadence can be varied from very slow to even slower. There are times when I will move a bait only slightly in a period of a couple minutes. It's sometimes painful, but it's often productive. As temps warm and fish become more active, adjust your cadence to suit the temperatures and listen to the fish, they'll tell you what they want. Also, don't limit yourself in terms of when to use them, or where. Mid-summer throwing Deep versions can be very, very productive on deep weedlines when fish become lethargic. They can also be a great trigger in "ripping." I also go so far as to classify Rapala's, Thundersticks, Rogues, Redfins, and other minnow-type baits here. There's no wrong time to fish them. They work year round. Soft jerkbaits like a Fluke, Caffeine Shad, Zulu, ZToo, Bass Assassin, and Sluggo are better suited, for me, to when fish are either focusing on schooled baitfish, or they are in areas that more traditional jerkbaits aren't an option. Most of my "Fluke" fishing is done when the water temps are above the 60 degree range. They can be excellent spawn and post-spawn baits. There's a variety of ways to fish them ranging from nose hooked to keel weighted. Most often they're a TX Rig bait, I prefer a swivel about 8" up wit a red glass bead to protect my tiptop. I love them for fishing weed edges when fish are active and chasing prey. I like to Carolina Rig them on several lakes I fish. Without a doubt one of my most productive "fluke" bites of the year is when last year's fingerlings are approaching the 3-4" size. Fishing a Fin-S Fish or SuperFluke Jr weightless and dragging the bait on the surface while twitching it can be deadly. I also like the small sizes early, nose hook a Tiny or a 2.5" FinS, twitch twitch bang... That's a starter. I'm sure there are lots more to add.
    1 point
  25. now they just need to make this nationwide time to stop the abuse of these systems.
    1 point
  26. A longer cast and lighter line will do more for depth control than the gear ratio. The advantage to lower gear ratio (inches per turn actually) is less fatigue for you and less stress on the reel.
    1 point
  27. I have a $2,000 mountain bike...
    1 point
  28. Y’all be funny Craw worms are the most underutilized & yet one of the most effective big bass lures in your arsenal! Rest assured bass do not know if there are crawfish in your body of water or not! Rest assured bass do not know when crawfish are out or not! Why do y’all think almost every plastic lure manufacture sells some version of a craw worm! What makes a jig so effective is they mimic crawfish & so do craw worms! What do y’all think most “creature” baits mimic? When flipping, pitching, & punching what y’all think y’all are trying to imitate? So yea y’all keep believing crawfish baits are only for spring & fall or if you lake has crawfish or not. As for me I will keep kicking bass with them year around
    1 point
  29. Welcome to the Boards! i would try to join a local club, club tournaments are smaller and a very good place to start
    1 point
  30. I just put 2 or 3 big juicy nightcrawlers on a hook and let it sit. If catfish are in the area, they will come to them.
    1 point
  31. I take pictures for fun. I have no need to defend my decisions. If your job depends on it, then maybe it's useful to find out what the rest think of your work.. Sorry Chris for running off the tracks..... Did you see the tilt-shift effect I linked?
    0 points
  32. Start by reading the fishing articles on top left corner of this page and it'll help you understand what you need to do/learn and come back and ask about what you don't understand.
    0 points
  33. Knowledge is key? Knowing what to do with useful knowledge is key. But what is useful? Knowing the exact weights of a 3" and 5" Senko will not put more fish in the boat. Knowing that a 5" senko falls faster than a 3" senko might put more fish in the boat. Knowing that a Trick Worm sinks very slowly, even a big one, compared to a senko might put more fish in the boat, even though a 6" Trick Worm weighs less than 5" senko. Knowing a specification doesn't make you any smarter. Knowing how that spec affects the bait is another story. Wisdom > knowledge.
    -1 points
  34. I will do my best to not rip that photo apart after taking 5 years of Digital Art. Filters are not a mans best friend. If you are an amateur Photoshop guy then props...if you like it...props, that is all that matters
    -1 points
  35. Chris, I literally meant to disrespect and "beauty is in the eye of the beer holder" oops i mean "beholder" All kidding aside I decided to dust off the Photoshop and mess around. Did this in like 5 min, needs work. I like the more "ominous" "forgotten city" aspect of it. What is important here is you reminded me how much i miss and love Photoshop, thanks! p.s. NO its not sepia tone to whomever is about to think it. http://img62.imageshack.us/img62/6443/5miny.jpg
    -1 points
  36. That is where I disagree. A critique is when you or a group analyzes a piece of work, trying to understand the meaning, what you like or dislike and why you like or dislike it. I used to hate this and used to think like you, where everything you need to know is from the first moment you look at it you make your decision. Wrong. Like a PSD an image has layers. Not just what you look at the moment you see it, but there are many other factors involved in trying to understand the image for meaning. Artists intent, how aspect of the foreground and background play to the image's tone, the linear composition and color palette in regards to how it makes you feel or how it contributes positively or negatively to the image. That is why my first response to Chris' image was so brash, all that stuck out was the hue/saturation extremes. But then I looked at it, examined how it made me feel, looked for his intent other than "hey that looks cool" (which i think it does) and saw that the over saturation creates a wild looking effect that almost looks, as i stated earlier, radiation-esque and creates an almost modern looking photo.
    -1 points
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