There is alot of benefit to light wire hooks, you don't always need the heaviest hook you can find. Lightwire hooks require less power on the hookset, when using lighter tackle this equates to better hookups. The problem in this scenario was not the light wire hook, the problem was as J Francho put it, the ZERO stretch in braid. If the original poster was using 4-6lb test, like I am sure the rod was rated for, the hook wouldn't have bent out, there would have been give in the rod and the stretch of the mono or flouro, and a properly adjusted drag, would have absorbed any runs the fish would have taken.
I have landed my fair share of large smallies in current with light wire hooks, when you have your equipment matched to the task at hand it becomes alot easier. 6'6" St Croix Triumph light action 6lb Floro and very light wire hooks in 1/16oz hair jigs, and never any issues of landing or overplaying the fish.