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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/19/2011 in all areas

  1. Thanks Roger , I'll remember that.
    2 points
  2. The meat-&-potatoes of angling is Versatility & Adaptiblity. If you dare to paint yourself into a corner, you're dead at the gate. Don't take my word for it, ask Kevin VanDam Roger
    2 points
  3. Falling down the stairs is a miserable experience, even if you do not feel it at the time it happen. You will feel it the next few days. I haven't been in this much pain for as long as I could remember. I don't even think my concussion generated this much pain. (probably because of the hydros) Don't fall down the stairs,it sucks.
    1 point
  4. Man, you just got to be careful sometimes. Some hints would be if you hit a log or something pop it over the log if you can see it, let it drop for a sec then start reeling again you will get a strike this way.. If you can't, you can probably feel for it and just stop the bait, lift your rod up and crank it over. Weeds, I would just reel the bait through. I've caught so many fish on spinnerbaits in the grass it is unreal. What I would do is, when you through it in to the grass, reel it through and once it comes out let it stop for a second and then start cranking again and most of the time you should get a bite.
    1 point
  5. taking a jab at my girl friend? you son of a ....
    1 point
  6. Call them and ask.
    1 point
  7. because not everyone is gaga for shimano reels...
    1 point
  8. Tell that to anyone who works in a big city emergency room.
    1 point
  9. Just remember: This is a true story. and this WILL happen to you.
    1 point
  10. My son and I got to make a brief appearance on my buddies duck hunting blog! Too bad the sun was beating down on us, and the fish weren't terribly interested in us. He is a great photographer, and these pictures are from the pond behind the house. In the Sun
    1 point
  11. “Humble” cannot be declared by the writer, it's something that's decided by the reader. Roger
    1 point
  12. You stiff them? A bit too much info, don't ya think? I got heavily outfished by a buddy of mine using the same color senko. His had coffee scent though. I switched and began catching fish. Happened a few times later that year when i'd put on a new senko and stop catching them only to realize it wasn't the coffee scented one. Only happened with that one color though. Didn't happen all the time, but it's probably just like any other thing. Sometimes the fish want it, sometimes they don't.
    1 point
  13. How would you classify yourself? Bass Angler & as sure I use what ever techniques necessary to fit the current conditions
    1 point
  14. I wouldn't classify myself in any one category so I chose "other." Depending on the conditions,the season, and other observed environmental factors I might fish deep or I may choose to fish shallow. When the bass are located in tight to brush I'm probably pitching and flipping. If I catch the fish in an active period I'll probably be a power fisherman. If the fish are inactive I'll be finesse fishing. I try to be versatile. Once I determine where the fish are located and what mood they are in, that determines what kind of angler I am at that particular time.
    1 point
  15. Less pressured bass are easier to catch where ever they are located. Looking at your address; Lake of the Ozarks is a large power generation highland reservior. You may be located in the upper end or upper third where the river enters. Bass that live near shore located in obvious good looking areas tend to draw a lot of fishing pressure. During the spring most bass move toward protected coves to spawn, the larger adult size bass then leave high pressured areas or get caught. Bass are not necessarly smart, they become conditioned to lures, if they don't learn they don't survive. The points are the first spots and last spot the bass visit entering and leaving the cove. Points are good areas to fish, but everyone knows that. The river channel under water where the points intersect are better spots. Under water islands called humps near the river channel a also good spots. The areas away from the shore line have less fishing pressure because they are out of sight and most bass fisherman over look anything they can't see. Search around this site and read articles about structure fishing, the term generally used for the underwater locations. Good luck. Tom
    1 point
  16. 55000 acre lake is large , have you ever heard that 90% of the bass are in 10% of the lake ? Do you have electronics for your boat , are there any maps of the lake you are fishing ? Learn your lake and you'll catch the bass , especially the bigger ones with the right techniques. JMHO Good luck
    1 point
  17. Chris, I don't know why you're getting so defensive. I wasn't knocking this guy. Hell, if I live to be 72, nobody is going to tell me what I should or shouldn't do. I was simply asking how much you knew about cenegenics because I didn't know if you understood how Dr Life stayed in such good shape. This is a discussion board. If you don't want people discussing it, don't post it.
    1 point
  18. I'm working on, and have almost perfected, a line of terminal tackle. Hooks, weights, split-shot, jigs, jigheads, swivels and snaps; all permanently infused with the scent and flavor of donuts. Nobody can refuse coffee and donuts in the morning, least of all a bass.
    1 point
  19. I hate snakes, if I would have seen it , it would of had a twin brown snake right beside it.
    1 point
  20. As a member of the service industry, I'll put in my $.02... There are 8 of us mechanics on our road crew. We rotate in 8 week intervals for 1 week of "On Call" in which we have to be available to go where necessary at any time. My phone stays on 24/7/365, but that doesn't mean I'll answer it. I'll talk to one of my fellow techs at 3 am if need be, even if I'm not on call. He may not be familiar with something and I am. It works both ways. I will also talk to certain customers, mostly chief tugboat engineers and other guys like that whose safety depends on the equipment they're on. They remember things like that when I come on board to work. They'll hump heavy parts and make sure I get fed (Some of the best food I've eaten was on large tugs. Those guys don't play !) Caller ID is a beautiful thing. Another thing you may not be aware of, dialing *67 before you dial the number blocks your number from showing up on their phone. As a matter of fact, my phone rang today and it was the answering service looking for a callout. It's not my week so I ignored it. Simple as that. It's completely up to you whether or not you let a phone run your life. As for the rudeness factor, people were rude before cell phones and they'll find ways to be rude when the next technology comes along.
    1 point
  21. Ok I was going to stay out of this but this topic is bugging me, the sponsors of this site are what keep the site going, all of us feel we need to get the most out of our money and we are going to do promotion, period! If you have noticed at all, I and other members of my pro staff have tried to stay away from best jig threads and that sort of thing, I know there is such a thing as over promotion and the last thing I want to do is turn people off. Nick specifically did not mention my jigs in the beginning of this thread, someone asked him what he caught it on, and he told them, this is not considered spam, if you want examples of spam I can show you my junk folder of my email account there is about 800 emails a week that I get that go in there. On a side note if you are continually hearing about a product or company maybe you should try and figure out why it is talked about over and over, JJ's, Rage Tail,TW, BTD, Doctor Spinnerbait, and Yes NorthStar all seem like companies that get alot of publicity on this site. Instead of complaining when people mention them check the company out and you will figure out why they all get talked about!
    0 points
  22. Sorry but I don't want a pro staffer telling me how great ..... is. I 've got that right.
    -1 points
  23. Well, it's like this.... It's become apparent that I can talk about fishing on the BB forums, and most of them are totally okay with it. But I can't really talk about BB on the fishing forum, because most you guys are not okay with it. Heck, if I ever do get really buffed, I might have to start putting a shirt back on to take my fish photo's huh ? {btw, I still kind of dream of the day, when and if I get buffed enough, that somebody says, "He must be on roids" That's going to be so flattering } Hmmmm. Even as much as an extremist as I tend to be, I still try to be open minded about most things.... except alcohol, or human overpopulation LOL (and even the latter of those two things might not make any difference in the end}. Peace, Fish
    -2 points
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