it sounds like lots of things.
Your hooks may be dull, or the point may be turned over.
It may be your using too small of a hook for the plastic you are throwing.
You may be setting the hook before the fish has the hook in it's mouth. Sometimes bass pickup a plastic by the tail and swim away with it. When you set the hook, you bring back a baitless lure, or a ripped plastic. I have had days when the fish only pick the plastic by the tail. I have tried feeling them out but its tough to tell which thump is the one you need to set on. If you wait too long you can gut hook the fish.
They like what your throwing, but not enough to engulf it. Try different colors- I figure the fish who pick up lures like that have been caught and they are testing it to see if its fake or not. They probably see the same old colors all the time so try and use those less common colors when the bass are being picky.
Sometimes even a subtle change in lure style works too.
Say the bass are being picky with tubes. Tie on a craw tube and give that a try.
Or instead of a regular space monkey, rip the arms off for a different action.
Or you could also try tipping the plastic with JJ's magic. I can almost promise you wont miss those picky biters. The bass get enraged when they taste or smell garlic for some reason. Adding that may help the fish engulf the lure rather than playing patty cake with it.
I would suggest loosening your drag a tiny bit. It sounds like with 65# braid your drags too tight and your creating a hole as you bring him in.
In order for that fish with the hole to get off, he'd need slack line. Just keep your line tight and your tip up and it should solve that problem. However when you feel the bass about to jump, lower your rod tip to one side or the other, maintaining that tight line, and the leverage he needs to jump and throw that hook is gone.
I dont see how a snell would help other than if your line is snapping completely. But if your using 65# test you are probably getting knicks in your line and when the fight happens, your line fails. The knicks usually occur in the first 5 foot or so above your lure. Mainly when fishing rocks though. So if your line breaks due to a knick, you would most likely assume it was a knot failure. Which is not likely with a polamer knot and braid. If the stuff your fishing is as nasty as it sounds, tieing a snell could only help.
Hopefully this helps
Try these tips and see what happens. Keep us posted