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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/14/2011 in all areas

  1. This company sells every piece of crap gimmick lure out there. (Kick Tail, Walking Worm, Bright Light Lure, Pen fisherman.......) It makes money off of you but it makes most of it's money by selling your personal information to third parties. If you order any of there products you will notice an steady increase in spam, junk mail and even marketing calls. Just don't do it.
    1 point
  2. They prey on "suckers". They sell you promises and a high priced piece of junk. Id compare the ethics of this company to those of a thief. To me, its no different than the people who con elderly people out of money. Just another type of scam. A "legal" scam if you will.
    1 point
  3. I was asked by a neighbor to come out to a local boy scout meeting, and give a little seminar on fishing. I went out today to the local reservoir with the kids, and let me tell you I think I had more fun than them! Watching them snag the little bluegills and get filled with joy was downright awesome! I did make a few cast myself, and this guy ate a northstar jig with a rage chunk trailer. The kids were so excited to see a BIG fish lol. It felt downright awesome to see the young kids get HOOKED on fishing.
    1 point
  4. A 1/100 oz tungsten ball jig with a single pinfeather. It went 114' 7" into the wind with my supertuned Pixy that has 27 abec 9 orange seal bocamatic titanium NASA spec bearings lubed with baby seal oil.
    1 point
  5. Going further Lee, based on the sunlight prism, "red" is first hue to lose its identity. Red doesn't disappear as some line company's would have you believe, but turns an inky black in as little as a 3-ft depth in murky water. Based on light deprivation, "Orange" is the next color to lose its identity (goodbye orange craw-claws) followed by "Yellow". Smack dab in the center of the light specturm is "Green". To my mind at least, this might be why "Watermelon" is such as great compromise color. Long story short, if we anglers were confined to only three colors, we could cut a decent living using just "White", "Watermelon" & "Black" (light - medium - dark). Roger
    1 point
  6. If they're crushing a spinner bait, they're telling you something. They're likely keying on baitfish. Keep throwing baitfish imitators. They're just curious about the plastics but aren't really in the mood to eat it. In order to satisfy their curiosity, they have to pick it up with their mouth. They really dont have much of a choice. By the time you feel the strike, they've already dropped it.
    1 point
  7. 1 point
  8. I went through the 80's looking like that and I didn't even go to college....
    1 point
  9. OK, I'll say it...just because you have chest waders doesn't mean you should be chest deep. You're asking for trouble. Not gonna say I haven't been "chest deep" to get to a spot, but anything over you waist in chest waders isn't safe at all. Take it from me, I've filled my waders after slipping twice, and even with a wading belt, it isn't easy to get out of the water.
    1 point
  10. I actually prefer the ugly otter over the RI sweet beaver.Just personal a preference.They both do work well.
    1 point
  11. do not buy stealth.if you want a floating braidd buy fireline braid.if you want a sinking braid get sufix 832.powerpro is outdated as are most other braids.the fireline and sufix are the two smoothest and roundest braids out there.
    0 points
  12. Nothing like living on the edge.
    -1 points
  13. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make the dummy drink !!!!!!!!!!
    -1 points
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