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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/03/2011 in all areas

  1. I don't have a dog in this fight, but I can see where Grey Wolf is coming from. If you don't want comments from others, why not handle this lure swap via PMs? By posting this in an open forum, you have to expect that others will follow what's going on and comment when they feel they have something to say. Just my $.02
    2 points
  2. Bass swallowing the hook means one thing: they have the bait in the mouth for too long before being hooked. So, you are guilty of it. But let´s not focus on the guilt but focus on the reasons why that happens: 1.- Knowingly/willingly you let the fish mouth the bait for too long, there´s people who let the fish grab the bait and let it swim away with it. 2.- Unknowingly/unwillingly you let the fish hold the bait for too long, some of the most common reasons are: a) not paying attention to the line adverse conditions that don´t allow you to see the line or feel the fish ---> wind/current c ) lack of sensitivity in the gear ( rod & line ) By the time you notice the fish has taken the bait it has already swallowed it. Fortunately they are preventable: a ) watch your line, if you keep your eye on the line from the moment the bait touches the water until it reaches bottom you can notice any goofy behavior on the line and goofy most of the times means a fish has the bait ---> set the hook. b ) weight your bait more or use a heavier bait to contrarest the effect of wind drag blowing on the line above water keeping it tighter, you will be able to notice when the line goes slack or tighter ---> set the hook. c) nobody is going to tell you your rod is crap or go and buy the most expensive most sensitive rod you can find, simply by changing the line type you can increase the sensitivity, use denser line like fluoro or braid, those increase a lot you ability to feel the fish better just because they transmit vibration a lot better. By adding those; paying attention to the line, using a heavier bait, maintaning a tight line and using denser line your gut hooked fish will be reduced greatly without having to shell out big bucks in a more sensitive rod.
    2 points
  3. No its not my IQ. Be careful boys!! Okeechobee's at the lower unit, prop busting, level right now. Some unbelievable fishing if you know the lake, getting to them can be scary if you don't. Where the photo of me adjacent to the thread was taken can be accessed by my truck right now.
    1 point
  4. Kill fish eat fish then buy a NRX rod mounted with a Daiwa Steez loaded with Samurai braid and use about 3-4ft of floro leader and watch the sensitivity go way UP. Shhh...don't tell SouthFLA that I am using his account. Signed, BAITMONKEY
    1 point
  5. There are tournaments on the Illinois river where they actually shoot the ugly things in mid-air. Video was scary stupid but hilarious! We should have those boys patrolling our borders. Not many invasive species would get past them.
    1 point
  6. I suppose they could have handled the disposal of his corpse a bit better. A part of me says, "Screw'em...this was something this man started...many of those folks who died on 9/11 never got a proper burial." The other, "Have to do things right, whether we like it or not."
    1 point
  7. I am totally down with a new get together, and like Rhino said, with more people. I ironed out all of my boat issues and its running like a ...well...as good as it can ROFL. I send a PM to Rhino to inform him that I hit up Monponsett again on sunday and absoloutly murdered it. 3x 4.5's and a numerous amount of 1#'s and change. including a 3#+ Pickerel that looked like a pike. I am totally down for going to another spot, so if anyone has ideas or suggestions for another place please post it in this thread
    1 point
  8. There is obviously disagreement about the possible results of this, but the facts from the previous blowing of the levee in 1937 would seem to support those who believe much of the land will be negatively affected for a period of years. There are sections of land that were flooded in the 1937 flood and some of these are still unsuitable for growing the main row crops in that area: corn, soybeans, and wheat. I grew up there and farmed this land with my Dad. I have seen these areas. A particular type of silt is needed to make a land fertile. Washing away fertile loamy soil and replacing it with four to six feet of today's Mississippi silt creates a soil that has all of the wrong components needed for the row crops mentioned above. During those previous thousands of years of flooding that you mention, the pollutants found in the Mississippi, today, did not exist. I know that all of our history books tell us river valleys are fertile due to the silt from flooding and this is true in many instances. The devil is in the details. All flooding does not produce fertile soil. This type of flooding is like a mini-tsunami. Two miles of the levee are removed and a torrent of water rushes through carrying a tremendous amount of polluted silt. Some estimates of the silt level are as high as six feet. That's not standard flooding that was experienced on the Euphrates, Tigris, or Nile rivers that we read about in our history books. This is why Missouri's attorney general tried to take this to the U.S. Supreme Court. The economic impact to Mississippi County could be devastating and the poverty level in that County is already 26 percent (2008 Census data).
    1 point
  9. Good luck Deb. Just remember that when you are up on the weighin stand holding that trophy, try not to gloat as much as this little woman in Rodney has been doing. Argh, you created a monster!
    1 point
  10. Ruined for a generation? The reason the region is so fertile is because of THOUSANDS of years of periodic flooding. I think the silt will revitalize the land, not harm it over the long run. 2011 planting may be lost, but next year, crop harvests will be fantastic!
    1 point
  11. This is true, but you took out of context that it's in conjunction with pinpoint accuracy. You very often get one without the other, though with rods like the 723. you get the best of both worlds.
    1 point
  12. Do you have your wife take any fish you catch off the hook for you? Wouldn't want to get any of their slime coat or that real live fish smell all over your fingers.
    1 point
  13. Just telling it like it is kid !!!!
    1 point
  14. Gene Larew Hawg Craw & Rage Tail Lobster
    1 point
  15. go on basspro.com and read all the bad reviews on something that you really want. trust me it works ( most of the time)
    1 point
  16. Hmmmm. If the pond is loaded with 1-2 lb bass, it probably wouldn't be a bad thing to just rip that hook out, and throw the fish in a bucket, so you could do as your screen name implies, and "FRY" them up Wouldn't you rather be fishing in a pond with a medium number, of 3-5 lb bass ? Peace, Fish
    1 point
  17. The Havoc Fatty has been on my next Buy Order list It was designed by Bobby Lane (he’s been tearing it up here in Florida) who essentially beefed-up the scrawny body of the Chigger Craw. The Berkley Fatty is rumoured to move like a Paca Craw, but I really hope not. Although the paca craw catches bass, at high-speeds the paca is reminiscent of a double-tail grub and at slow speeds it gets loose & floppy, like the flippers of a dead turtle Roger
    1 point
  18. My favorite craw is the one you get out of the pot and place in front of you for a fantastic dinner. Put some Cajun seasonings in the pot with them, aloing with some corn and onions and you have the best feast you could wish for.
    1 point
  19. Another swap gone bad , what a shame.
    1 point
  20. not to highjack the thread....i have to agree with brush hoggin. the spro has done nothing for me but make me wish i had bought two scum frogs. sure.. they cast well.... but thats it. theyre average at every other variable and quite honestly... didnt even last longer than my cheap discount manns frog. (which i kill on till it starts taking on water). for that matter... the bronzeeye 65 that i got didnt make it one trip out... and didnt catch a fish either... just me working it through slop made it start to sink. its an ok frog if you like it... but im sure not buying anymore than the two i was suckered into. i neleive the next frog i try will be ishs fat frog.... i like the idea of a seperate bladder so it cant sink. oooo.... and the kopppers is prety!
    1 point
  21. The swap hasn't gone bad and it sure as hell went better than the last one. Also, why are you even posting in here? You didn't participate in it, so it really has nothing to do with you. You aren't contributing by saying the swap went bad. JMO.
    -1 points
  22. I'm with OHIO on this one why are you here? The swap hasn't gone bad at all the box is on track and everything seems to be accounted for. Ok so maybe the contents weren't as nice as we had hoped at the end but we can't blame anyone for that because we all added to it. Besides I want to see the finale tally to make a judgment on the contents of that box. For myself I'd do it again, and I think hookingem and the the rest of the guys who participated did a D*** fine pass. So Wolf if you don't mind go find some other thread to be Dr.Doom-and-gloom on and leave this one alone. I got Montes last two chatter baits, thats why the yellow/black LC is reserved for hookingem. Capt.O
    -2 points
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