There is no reason to be concerned about a bill falling off or a lure becoming defective. Either save your receipt or charge them on the retailer's card. I buy the vast majority of my lures from BassPro on my BP card. I return ALL lures that break, are defective or become defective, regardless of the reason. I have NEVER been denied. The lure companies produce a lot of junk, and they know it, but the cost is so low for replacing lures that anyone returns, it is not economical for low cost producers to improve their product.
Smithwick Rogues are my best example: Relatively low cost jerkbaits that are VERY productive. However, at least 20% of their jerkbaits are initially defective or BECOME defective. I love the lures, but I have the ones that do not perform correctly replaced. That always means EXCHANGE, never money back.