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Photo Information

  1. Original File Size 188223
  2. Mime Type image/jpeg
  3. Image Height 1024
  4. Image Width 1280
  5. Color TRUE
  6. Byte Order Motorola TRUE
  7. Camera Make PANTECH
  8. Camera Model P2030
  9. Orientation The 0th row is at the visual top of the image, and the 0th column is the visual left-hand side
  10. X-Resolution 72/1
  11. Y-Resolution 72/1
  12. Resolution Unit 2
  13. Software JSUSS2406032011
  14. YCbCr Positioning centered
  15. Exposure Program Normal program
  16. Exif Version 0220
  17. Date Taken 2012:06:17 00:06:40
  18. Date Digitized 2012:06:17 00:06:40
  19. Brightness Value 0/1024
  20. Metering Mode CenterWeightedAverage
  21. Flashpix Version Flashpix Format Version 1.0
  22. Color Space sRGB
  23. Image Width 1280
  24. Image Length 1024
  25. Interoperability Offset 510
  26. Exposure Mode Auto exposure
  27. White Balance Auto white balance
  28. Digital Zoom Ratio 0/0
  29. Contrast Soft
  30. Saturation Normal
  31. Sharpness Normal
  32. Inter-operability Index R98
  33. Inter-operability Version 0100
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