Going through a big tub of soft plastics I've had for years, I found two large bags of Mr. Twister Sassy Shads. I've probably had these for 25 yrs. When these were introduced in the early 1980s, they were very popular around my area. As I remember, I had the best results rigging them on a 1/8 ball head jig, casting and counting down to depth. When we fished bigger lakes years ago, we'd rig them with a 1/4 ounce ball head jig, and make long cast to any surface busting fish, feeding on shad. Finding these brought back memories.Once in the mid 1980s, my brother and I slayed the white bass on Missouri's Bull Schoals lake, and caught some nice LM bass on that trip also. Whenever I find something like these, I always wonder why I stopped using them? Fisherman , by nature, are always looking for something better. We tend to want to try the hot new thing, and, it's always fun to try new stuff. My grandson Aiden is making a trip down to Bull Schoals soon, with a friend and his dad. I gave him a sack of Sassy Shads, and , some good ball head jigs to take along. He calls it the " grandpa bait". If he fishes them like I've told him to, he'll do well on this oldie. I plan on throwing them again also. When Aiden heads down to Bull Schoals on his fishing trip, I'm expecting a call. " Granpa, you were right, these Sassy Shads are a killer bait". " They catch everything".Do any BR members still use this lure?.Tell me about your experience with the Mr. Twister Sassy Shad.