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Everything posted by .dsaavedra.

  1. i weighed mine in at 19lbs 9oz fully loaded. guess mines not quite as heavy as some, but im not sure if i wanna take this with me shore fishing.
  2. x2. this especially happens if the bluegills are spawning. last time i was out, i can remember casting to the same spot repeatedly and always getting a small hit. after about the second time i realized there was a bluegill spawning bed there.
  3. i've always found Sam to be very helpful. he definitley deserves elite member.
  4. just loaded it with all my terminal tackle and hardbaits. i put a few packs of *** in the deep side pockets, and im gonna put some tools and bandaids in the front pocket.
  5. and you must be bored to write such a thing! cool!
  6. yeah, i bought it as a place to keep all my tackle, and then when i shore fish, i can take out whichever boxes i'll need and just carry those.
  7. got one of these bad boys today at walmart for 45 bucks. sure has lots of storage. what the heck am i gonna put in this thing?!?!? and how much does yours weigh fully loaded?
  8. that tap tap might be small fish biting your worm and not the hook, so when you snap your rod back, they rip the worm off the hook. try using parasite clips (www.parasiteweight.com) and try waiting a few extra seconds while the fish is tapping on your worm before you set the hook.
  9. high end gear is easier to learn with. IMO the only reason anyone should use low end gear is when they are trying to see if they going to like whatever it is they are buying. many people will buy junk when they start out, not like the junk, and then not continue with whatever it is they were starting. i fished with a procaster and lightning rod for a few months, got the hang of baitcasting pretty good, saw that it was time to upgrade, and got citicas and avids. higher end gear = ease of use = pleasureable experience
  10. who says you have to use teeny hooks? i wacky rig with a 4/0 gamakatsu g-lock EWG worm hook...same hook i t-rig with.
  11. 5lbers are great fish no matter where on this earth you are!
  12. i clicked the "No: its too expensive" button. :-/
  13. first one is bigger, but i'd say the second one is 3.5 cuz it looks very short. congrats on your #2 best fish!
  14. that thing has a really big mouth but it looks skinny from the pic, so i'd say it would weigh 5lbs. darn good fish!!!
  15. oh man that really sucks. is there a chance the temperature might suddenly be accurate again? so far i have taken it out two times and it said -4.0° both times and it never changed.
  16. is that all there is to it? i need a new transduecer? what went wrong with the one i have? i never hit it on anything or abused it. are you sure theres no settings i can change to fix it?
  17. shimano is the only way to go
  18. haha! thats pretty ironic! reminds me of two nights ago when i was fishing with my dad... it was kinda slow at the moment and i said "i wanna catch a fish" and then not even 3 seconds later my dad hooked up with one. then later in the evening, it got slow again so we moved spots and my dad said "i wanna get a fish here" and as soon as he said that i set the hook on a bass.
  19. you are not alone :
  20. what kind of bait do you have? i've wanted to get some hairy hawgs, but they're like 11 bucks for 6. i was just wondering what kind of knockoffs are out there.
  21. for super shallow (surface wakebait) i reccomend Bandit Footloose. other than that, rapala dt fat rapala dt 4 rapala dt 6
  23. n.a.d.a. not a doubt about it?
  24. dont care just kidding. they aren't very big fish. they are good fish but they arent huge. they are probably 2lbs or a little under. they are strong but they are also short.
  25. ok. i dont think we have a problem with buying a trailer hitch. i just wanted to see if we could get by with towing it on the bumper.
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