well after i took that video i set the minnow trap down there.
i went down there to check the trap today and got a full load!
i saw about 3 or 4 warmouths in the trap, but after i opened the trap and dumped the fish in a bucket, there were no warmouths :-?
anyway, about 95 percent of the fish in the trap were GOLDEN SHINERS. there were a few black nose dace in there too.
the biggest golden shiner was caught in the trap and it was about 3 or 4 inches long, but it was covered in these specks. they werent part of the fish's pattern, because they were raised bumps, but it wasnt dirt or something because it didnt rub off. perhaps this was a parasite or disease or something?
while i was down there tonight i decided i'd try my luck fishing ;D
i put a size 20 hook on 6lb line tied to the end of the top half of an ultralight rod. boloney for bait.
about 3 "casts" into it i hooked up with the first fish of the day.
a whopping 1" long golden shiner! ;D
next "cast" i hooked another one, and when i pulled it out of the water, it flopped off the hook and into my lap and into the water so i didnt get a pic of that one.
here are pics....
the biggest one:
top view of the biggie: