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Everything posted by .dsaavedra.

  1. All CD's i buy most of my CD's (although a lot of my music is taken from my dad's CD collection" but i also rip a lot of CD's from friends. i NEVER download music. it would just drive me crazy to download a few songs from an artist. i feel incomplete if i have a few songs but dont have the whole album.
  2. yeah we went to the computer lab in english class 3rd period, and i didnt feel like researching so i just got on bass resource all period
  3. i brush 2 ton devcon all the time. i thin it a little bit with denatured alcohol so it is easier to brush on and so that it covers the bait completely (when i dont thin it, i get a lot of spots where the epoxy didnt smooth out to cover all spots). i have had NO problems with the thinned epoxy, and it gives me a smoother, glossier coat. i will say that if you thin it, you should really consider putting 2 or maybe even 3 coats on (depending on how much you thin it). i wouldnt trust just one coat of thinned epoxy. as for drying the bait: i noticed you mentioned putting it under a fan...epoxy cures chemically, a fan will not speed up the process. as for turning it, you dont HAVE to, but it looks much nicer and you get a more even coat if you do turn it. on the first few baits i used epoxy on, i didnt turn them, and there are a bunch of spots that the epoxy didnt flow out to. turning will give you a more even coat. for a solid (one piece) bait, you could just take a pair of hemostats (locking pliers) and clip them to an eyelet and slowly turn the bait by hand for 20-30 min after application. if you dont have hemostats, you could try taking the blade out of an exacto knife and then putting an eyelet in the slot of the exacto knife. this will only work if the wire on your eyelet isnt very thick... :-/ since your baits are jointed, what i suggest you do is take two small pieces of thin wire and just wrapping them around the nose eyelet and the tail eyelet, and make little "hooks" from the wire. then just hold the bait from one hook for a minute, then from the other hook the next minute, and keep switching like this for 20 min. this is what i do for my jointed baits and they have turned out nice . you could also do this with a paper clip bent into an "S" shape. as for getting epoxy in the eyelets: dont worry about it. i purposely cover the eyelets with epoxy to ensure i get a good seal around the base of them where they enter the wood. i have always used a 1/32" highspeed cutter for the dremel to clear epoxy out of the eyelets and it works fantasticly. the bit is soooooo tiny and it is perfect for clearing epoxy out of tight joints. you could use a small drill bit for the line tie and hook hangers, but it might be difficult to get a drill bit in the joints of the bait... if you cant fit anything in the joints, take a paperclip, straighten it, heat it over a candle, and just melt the epoxy out of the eyelets. hold the paperclip with pliers because it will get hot on your fingers
  4. the baits are coming along! what did you decide to do for the weight? i disagree with idlov2fish when he says to always use a plan. it is true that coming up with a good detailed plan will usually produce better quality, better preforming baits, but i find its fun sometimes just to make whatever your mind comes up with. i usually dont have a plan when i'm experimenting with new materials, new tools, new designs, etc... or when i just feel like experimenting. it is good to make note of each step of the way on experimental baits, because if the bait turns out to be totally awesome, you want notes to help you re-produce it. also, save your self the trouble (and possible disappointment) and just go ahead and seal and test your baits BEFORE you put any paint of any kind of finish on them. that way you dont waste time and materials on a bait that isnt going to work. just make sure you put the hooks and split rings you plan on using on the bait when you test it i'd like to see how these look when they're finished!
  5. match the hatch
  6. rapala original floater, bleeding pearl. 7lb largemouth.
  7. you guys suck... :-[
  8. #1 better be ...And Justice for All or you're in trouble
  9. which is why i stopped doing it and i dont reccomend it
  10. go back to walmart and buy split shot but if you INSIST on melting lead, here is my low-tech method of doing it (which i abandoned because its easier just to tap a splitshot into a drilled hole) make a "spoon" out of tin foil put several .5" pieces of lead solder in the spoon light a candle hold spoon over flame till lead melts pour lead in hole
  11. it would probably be much easier for you to just drill holes in the bottom of the bait and stick the egg sinkers in that instead of melting them
  12. i dont see it. there is no #256 on the swimbait page... :-?
  13. Do you really think that they look at the snap and be turned away but not see the massive treble hooks hanging from the bottom of the bait? nope, i just try to keep things as natural as possible.
  14. There's a third option, which is using a snap with the split ring. I've been doing that for years and I'll be darned if I can see any reason not to continue. No visible difference in action or number of strikes that I can detect. true, i left that one out because i dont do it. there are 2 reasons i dont do it: 1.) its bulky. i dont like all the hardware sticking out the front of my bait. i dont think the fish like it either. 2.) it adds weight. weight that is not supposed to be there. if the bait was supposed to have that much weight in the front, the manufacturer would have put a beefier split ring on for added weight. and there you have Appendix A of the Saavedra Pocket Guide to Split Rings ;D
  15. by the way, i'm not ragging on your fish El Grande, those are awesome catches im just not too fond of the taxidermy. :-/
  16. those bass look very generic. they dont look all to realistic either... the colors dont look much like a natural bass, it seems like they have a specific set of colors that they use on every bass and they all look identical. i wouldnt get BPS to taxidermy my trophy catch...
  17. sinks a little less than 2 foot per second with hooks and a clip on the nose
  18. just gave it a real quick bucket test with out hooks and it is a medium sinker, and it sank tail first. with hooks it will probably be a medium fast sinker and will probably sink level. sweet
  19. I believe YOU made a typing mistake. You're supposed to capitalize the first word of every sentence. Also, "Master of Puppets" is a proper title, so it should be capitalized also. nope...that would be a grammatical mistake, not a typing mistake
  20. oh woops, i just realized you were talking about BBZ-1 (trout) i was talking about the BBZ-1 Shad the trout has been out for over 2 years, so you should be able to find some info on it...
  21. yup, this is what its gonna look like, except it wont be as tall:
  22. nothing else matters--metallica, live at middletown NY, 6/17/1995
  23. yes its basswood. 97 cents for a 5x7x3/8" piece at walmart.
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