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Everything posted by .dsaavedra.

  1. tie it to some more braid with a uni-uni knot and spool it up.
  2. Dave, I didn't make myself very clear. That is indeed a gripper only and it has a hole in one of the handles. So I use it to grip the fish, put the scale hook through the handle hole and subtract the weight of the gripper (4 oz.). oh gotcha. thats a good idea
  3. you got that right you could use this dough as carp bait too, im sure it would work.
  4. i can't believe you left out the REDNECK BASS BOAT
  5. for the photofinish i printed out the image (after i changed the shape a little bit. then i cut it out and glued it to a piece of foil tape and put that on my lure. to add the weights i drilled holes in the bottom of each piece and stuck a split shot into each hole. you could drill holes and put in glass rattles if you wanted to. to link the segments, i used twisted loops of stainless steel wire. thanks for your complements!
  6. We call this "Beer Pong" at my apartment.
  7. thanks guys. still no video yet, but its coming, dont worry! i'll try and get a video tomorrow, depends what the water clarity is like...
  8. marty, that just looks like a lip gripper...not a scale? is this true? that just looks like something that will hold onto the fish, not weigh it. anyway, i got a 50lb berkley digital scale ($20 at walmart). totally worth it. accurate within an ounce. i've tested it on a lot of things (fitness dumbells, groceries, 5lb bag of sugar, etc...) and its always within an ounce. one thing that i do is sharpen the hook and put it right behind the bone on the lower jaw, just like marty said. this seems like the most secure way to weigh a fish. i've tried hooking them under the gill plate, and i've had some nice fish flop around and fall off the hook doing it this way. also, im not sure how good is it to support the weight of the fish on the gill plate. im sure the bone can handle that much weight much better than a gill plate. to summarize: -$20, 50lb berkley digital scale at walmart = good -sharpen hook on scale and insert just under lower jaw bone
  9. I came up with this recipe a while ago for the bluegills at my local park. it worked very well! this works just as good as nightcrawalers and its a lot cleaner on your fingers than nightcrawlers too. the recipe: 5 parts flour 2 parts garlic powder or garlic salt 3 parts vegetable oil thats it. mix the flour and garlic powder together while they're still dry. then add the oil and knead into dough. works great. try it if you ever take little kids bluegill fishing.
  10. 4" 1oz http://www.***.com/descpageDEPBAIT-DBJB.html 3" 1/2oz. http://www.***.com/descpageDEPBAIT-DBBJR.html
  11. 87! :-/
  12. oh it totally does
  13. what i do is use DVD Shrink to create an ISO image of the DVD, and then use a program called Sonic DigitalMedia Plus v7 (i think it came on my computer) to burn the image onto the disk. DVD Shrink is free but but i dont think you can actually burn a DVD with it.
  14. all 3 are redbreast sunfish. did you get those out of macintosh run?
  15. it doesnt quite "walk the dog" in the literal term. it more just jumps aroiund underwater. i just twitch mine on a cadence. i dont think it has to walk the dog perfectly to draw stikes.
  16. if the grass is about a foot or a little less below the water surface, i'd tie on a bandit footloose and just burn it over the grass as fast as i can. i had some pretty good luck doing this. bass would just come out of nowhere and smash it. i even saw one big wake coming to my bait 20 feet from the left, but it never hit my bait.
  17. i was fishing for bluegills with breadballs and a tiny little duckling ate my breadball and got hooked in the mouth. i felt so bad! the mother duck was freaking out when i held the duckling to get the hook out... :-[
  18. we have one of those in the oysterbed aquarium at my natural resources management class. its pretty boring, it just sits in between some rocks.
  19. Fall 2007, Piney Reservoir, Frostburg MD
  20. only place here that has it is Michaels and AC Moore. they only carry very thin sheets of balsa, like for making model planes and such. i'd have to laminate 3 or 4 sheets together to get a piece thick enough to make a bait out of. i need to find a good local place to find a block of balsa.
  21. wow i'm suprised they had these new lures but didnt even have sebile magic swimmers. that ticks me off.....
  22. true dat and i wasn't driving by the way
  23. funny faces! looks like he enjoyed himself. glad y'all had fun!
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