You're welcome.
I have 5 impoundments within 45 min. of me. All between 1K and 2K acres. MWCD lakes. I've been fishing them since the late 80's. I basically just started looking around this year out of boredom with fishing the same ol spots. It's been an eye opening experience. Some nothing looking shore areas have some great structure and or cover under the waves, and that stuff sees way less pressure than the obvious stuff. I intend to do a LOT more graphing early next spring.
I'll share something else I figured out a few years ago, that made a BIG difference in my fishing.
We all watch the pro's fishing big waters, talking about seasonal fish movements, creek arms, secondary points, flats etc. Those big impoundments have bays bigger than my lakes. So... One spring day a few years ago I thought, what if I looked at my lakes like they were just a bay? Look at the smaller bays without a good size creek as just little cuts, and focus on the main lake areas, and the few larger bays they have.
BINGO!!! I quit searching the bays looking for those prespawn fish to move into them, and started focusing main lake structure and cover. Numbers and average size went WAY up. Turns out most of the fish in these little lakes spawn in the main basin. In fact that's where most of them are year round. So, by treating treating my little lakes as big bays and focusing on the main basin, I do much better than when I looked at them the way big lake guys look at their lakes. The best action can be in the upper, middle, or lower section, but it's happening in the main lake the vast majority of the time.
This might be a simple way to explain my thinking. Think of the dam or deepest end as the mouth of the bay, and the shallow end as the main creek. Everything between is secondary points and cuts, bays, flats etc.
I hope this makes sense to y'all. I know it's kinda ramblin.