Prices are all over the place as far as what you get for your hard earned dollar in the rod dept. Some companies prices reflect their warranties and/or name recognition more than others.
I've been touting ARK on here since buying my first one this summer. I now have 11 of them. 9 Tharps, a Cobb, and a Lancer Pro. I find them to be excellent values that fish well above their price points, especially for bottom contact techniques.
Fit and finish has been fine. Well balanced, sensitive, built on the spine, and the action and taper descriptions seem spot on to me. Lots of good choices out there, but this is where I've found the most bang for my bucks.
My local dealer told me ARK does a great job standing behind their products too. He had a guy griping about his lancer pro (one of their cheaper series) guides shaving his flouro. They sent a replacement. He claimed the replacement was doing it too. They sent another. He was still having the issue. Shop owner checked it out and found a nick in his reels line guide. No issue with the rods.
I think the sweet spot with this companies rods is at the Tharp or Invoker Pro series. Just as was mentioned above, about second or third from the top. Diminishing returns above that.
All my reels are in the $100-$180 range, and all are holding up well. Lew's, Penn and Shimano. I see no reason to spend more and think the point of diminishing returns is just above this neighborhood.