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Jig Man

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Everything posted by Jig Man

  1. I went with the North Star. It has good CCA and RC a 4 year warranty and is made within 10 miles of my house.
  2. My advice to you is to go to a shaky or Ned rig. If there are any fish there you will get some action. Then after you get some confidence you can go to other baits.
  3. I am needing a high cca AGM with lots of reserve minutes. So far North Star and Batteries Plus are the best I can find. Are there others?
  4. When fishing the Ned the faster I try to get them to the boat the more of them I lose.
  5. There is a lot of high water at LOZ. Table Rock is only 2 feet high. I just got home from Table Rock an hour ago. We caught over 40 bass in about 5 hours. Most were on plastic worms in 2 to 8 feet of water. Fish are being caught on jigs and swim baits as well.
  6. Toxic may be on to something here. How far in the water do you put the trailer before you load the boat?
  7. Lookin good. Are you making or buying the screw locks?
  8. First and foremost learn how to get the hook out of deeply hooked fish. Don’t cut the line and throw it back. It is an easy technique to learn. I have caught hundreds of fish on the Ned rig and have never had one that I could not get the hook out of. if you keep some tension on the line you can feel a lot of those bites as the bait sinks. You also need to become a fanatical line watcher. Anything different than what you expect to see, set the hook.
  9. For me a jig is an any time any place bait. Shaky basically the same as the jig except I lose a bunch in brush so I normally don’t throw them in heavy brush. Ned is open water because of the 6# fluorocarbon line. i fish all of them with both spinning and bait casting setups.
  10. The main Ned guru in my area says that the Berkeley Cherrywood and Pfleuger President make a good Ned setup. I’d look for a ml in my favorite length. Their website shows that they carry both.
  11. I did the same thing with my Ulterra. Some of the best fishing money that I have ever spent. i would do it again in a heartbeat.
  12. In my experience, NO. Once it is cured it is a royal pain to remove. Maybe there is a chemical that will facilitate its removal. I have a jig mold that I modified at least 20 years ago with JB Weld. It has withstood several hundred pours.
  13. It will probably be stuck tight when you lose the jig. When I do have to replace a trailer I just add a dab of glue and shove a new one on. Super glue gel is what you should use. Less is best. It just takes a very small amount to hold a trailer.
  14. The engine’s computer has all that data stored.
  15. That varies from day to day, wind, water color, sunshine all change things. Basically, I like 6 setups on deck and 4 under the passenger’s console. All rigged differently. i pick a number, make that many casts, if no bites change setups, repeat until I find something that works or just dig out my Ned setups and catch a few.
  16. I don’t use a lot of them so I make my own using the same 20 ga. galvanized wire that I use to make screw locks.
  17. I had the same issue. I went for the Nitro. Big mistake. If I had do overs I would be in a Ranger.
  18. Hummingbird recommended Windex with vinegar for my Solixes.
  19. Shelf life.....years. Just shake it once in a while.
  20. I have been fishing Stockton lately. It is 16’ high. I have been catching fish about the old shore line. I haven’t been able to get anything deep.
  21. I have found that fluorocarbon line works best for me in clear water.
  22. What is it?
  23. I have 1 bc setup for Ned rig fishing. It is a Shimano Curado 70 loaded with 6 # fluorocarbon line mounted on a Gloomis Bronzeback 6'9" ml rod. I make my own heads and use 3/32 oz and heavier heads on it.
  24. Call the Missouri Department of Conservation. They have several programs for kids.
  25. I used to sell extended warranties. It was like Christmas every time someone bought one. I got 15% of the total and my boss got 25%. That should tell you something about them. I just got a special deal from Mercury to extend my Verado warranty. It still has 2 years left but I can add a year for the paltry sum of $2565. That deal is in a truck on the way to the land fill.
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