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Wayne P.

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Everything posted by Wayne P.

  1. Surfer, the bottom line is if you treat your equipment like crap, it will treat you the same way.
  2. Yes, each conductor has a shield and this particular one may have the shield under the outer insulation also. I haven't cut insulation to see. Just mashing the cable increases RF interference sometimes. I didn't consider your comment as being a smartaxx. Actually an accurate statement and may be of some benefit to someone with a similar issue.
  3. Thanks, I have spliced transducer cables before. With the new stuff, getting the shielding back in place so RF interference is not an extra issue would be a chore. With this particular transducer, it was made before extra shielding was part of the mfg and is a RF magnet anyway. It has been replaced for over a year.
  4. It's never a waste to time to experiement and you may help others with their equipment. I have a SI transducer that one if the SI beams stopped working (I think I damaged the cable with the trollling motor mount). I can still use the 1/2 of it for SI and DI.
  5. The answer is simple, try it to see if you can get the results you want.
  6. I don't get what you post is about. The post above the one you quoted is mine also.
  7. It It's even more "interesting" that Lowrance has units that are Down Scan only. They have DSI in their model names. That catagory of units give the consumer the imaging technology at a lower cost.
  8. Humminbird has several units that are Down Imaging and dual frequency 2D sonar. Their models with DI in the model name are the ones. There are three larger screen versions in the 2012 line. 858c DI, 958c DI, and 1158c DI. A total of 10 units with the Down Imaging feature. Another note "Down Imaging" is a Humminbird product. "Down Scan" is a Lowrance product.
  9. Good answer Todd. While I use Humminibird equipment, the GPS functions are the same. GPS units cannot tell any direction until consecutive track points are made that indicate which direction the track is going. A built in error exists because the satellites are not stationary, they are moving around in orbit. That movement is recorded on a plotter which it interprets as moving in some direction. That is why the curser wanders around even if you are motionless. The more accurate a GPS system is, the more frequent that movement is shown. A less accurate system has a longer delay in making corrections so it appears to be more accurate, which it is not. Your Humminbird has a Min Track Distance setting, reduce that to a lower value so the track points will be closer together. Default is 16' That will use up the total number of track points per track at a faster rate though if that is a concern. It still won't stop the satellites from moving and the affect it produces. Humminbird chose to use the circle icon as an indicator of very slow or no movement instead of the constant wandering of the position icon. There is no loss of accuracy in position and many experience a position accuracy of 2'-3' as indicated on the GPS Diagnostice view as EPE. When you save a waypoint position, that does not move and will be in the same position when you return to it regardless of what unit you use even if the unit used to return to is a different unit or brand.
  10. That would be similar to just using one side of a Side Imaging view. Each SI beam covers the water from the surface to past vertical under the transducer.
  11. The lighest in use would be a fused or coated superline. It won't absorb water like a braided line will. Original Fireline, Spiderwire Stealth, etc.
  12. What else it could be is suspended solids due to the lake turn-over. Many times I have seen "globs" of decayed vegetation that was suspended or floating on the surface when the fall turnover occurs. The level of that suspended matter depends on how much gas it contains due to decomposition in relation to the water temperature. My conclusion is based on the water temp in your picture.
  13. How sporting is it for every FLW angler to be using the same jig/trailer. That would be just as boring. No skill with that either in comparison. If they aren't throwing them were fish are the results are the same.
  14. brian, the whole model number for the 597 is 597ci HD DI Combo and the whole model number for the 788 is 788ci HD DI Combo The 788 is the model series, the ( c ) is for color display, the ( i ) is for internal GPS antenna, the HD is for the screen resolution and model year, DI is for Down Imaging, and Combo is for a combinatiion of sonar and GPS functions. Some units are Combo units but will come with an external GPS antenna so they won't have the ( i ) in the model number.
  15. Brian, both of those units have the same display in screen brightness, size and pixel count. The highest resolution displays in the industry.with 31,170.5 pixels per square inch. The 788ci HD DI can be linked to another Humminbird unit to share common data with Ethernet or Interlink, The 597ci HD DI cannot be linked to another unit. The 788ci HD DI has two card readers for mapping and/or screen snapshots, recording, unit updates and waypoint management. The 597ci HD DI has just one card reader but can do the same.
  16. With the outboard in the position pictured, lift up on the lower end, push down on the lower end, and watch the transom where the motor is bolted to it. If the transom gives any--you don't want it.
  17. Which 597ci, there are two of them ---one is the DI unit and the other is regular dual frequency 2D sonar? Which 788ci, there are three of them--788ci, 788ci HD, 788ci HD DI?
  18. This is somewhat outdated, but it will be somewhat helpful for your type of unit. http://www.lowrance.com/en/Support/Tips-and-Tutorials/Sonar-Tutorial/ I agree that the manuals that all mfg put out could do a better job of providing instructions.
  19. The color band at the top is called Surface Clutter--the different colors are different echo intensities. The clutter is from the sonar pulse echos being reflected by the water surface and any particles near the surface. You should have a setting to reduce that. Your sensitivity is set too high for the conditions. The streaks may be sturred up water from the trolling motor. Sonar can be reflected by water density differences. They may be RF interference lines also caused by the trolling motor. The "ovals" could be anything in the water column, if you are motionless and they appear and dissappear, they are fish. If the returns form a thick line at that depth across the display, it could be suspended matter or motionless fish. As for the species, you have to catch one to see what it is or have to know the history of that body of water. One more thing, read the operation manual at least two more times.
  20. Some states don't allow for a bow seat to be in place that blocks the driver's view when navigating. An example is a fold down seat on a pedistal. A pro pole may or may not be acceptable--I haven't head of an instance where is was a violation (yet).
  21. The Skipgap hook has the hook point pointed at the hook eye, that is what causes missed hooksets. Same as the EWG hooks.
  22. Simple solution: put the pump at the transom and move to the transom when you turn on the pump. You will get rid of the most water that way. The pump size will determine how long that process takes.
  23. That is a good attachment in SOME cases, I haven't had much luck with it on an aluminum hull though, especially a painted one like a lot of jon boats are. Works great on fiberglass and very smooth plastic.
  24. One of the most popular mount locations on bass boats for the transducer is on the trolling motor. That is your solution. If you rent the motor, just be prepared to attach your transducer to their motor. All it takes is a large stainless steel hose clamp and a couple of pieces of tape to hold the cable on the shaft. That is about a 1 minute install. Here is two transducers on the bottom of a trolling motor:
  25. One of my more compact setups in my den.
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