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Wayne P.

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Everything posted by Wayne P.

  1. Garmins have a history of excellet GPS equipment. They have sort of been left behind in the sonar technology though.
  2. A certain soft plastic lure dealer.
  3. I don't use a superline that has a smaller diameter than the lighest nylon mono I would use. I don't buy superlines based on their rated strength for spinning gear. The very small diameter superlines have no shock strength so the 6# mono diameter equivelent superlines are what I use of ulta light and light rigs and the 8# mono diameter equivelent superlines for med to med heavy rigs. Most of my spinning rigs have 40# Daiwa Samurai or Saltiga. A couple have 30# Dawia Samurai.
  4. I was there when the doors opened this morning. Walked around about 1/2 dozen times by every display. Attended the 11:00 seminar by Steve Chaconas--Top 10 lures from ICAST. Spent some time with a couple of Jr. BASS anglers, talked with Robbie Patterson of REALDEAL PROPS, ate lunch, stayed until it started snowing and left. I guess I wasn't recognized by anyone that knew I was going to be wearing the Humminbird hat. The only thing I was looking for was not there. Pretty much boring for a seasoned angler.
  5. Trolling motors don't come with a plug on the power cable. Just take the plug off the MG and put it on the MK.
  6. I'll add another thing here. 1. With 2D sonar and Down Imaging/Down Scan the size of displayed returns is determined by depth. 2. With Side Imaging/Structure Scan the size of displayed returns is determined by the range setting. The display scrolls from right to left with 1. and top to bottom with 2. That is why the largest screen you can afford is better for that technology. A phrase I like to use is "bigger displays display stuff bigger"
  7. Yea, I saw that snow forecast. If its too bad, I'll wait until Sat. I plan on being there between 10 - 10:30 I be wearing a sort of tan Humminbird hat.
  8. http://support.lowrance.com/system/selfservice.controller?CONFIGURATION=1001&PARTITION_ID=1&secureFlag=false&TIMEZONE_OFFSET=&CMD=VIEW_ARTICLE&ARTICLE_ID=2967
  9. Silver Buddy type The bass pictured was caught with a model sort of like the Cicada (don't remember the brand). It has a slower fall rate and more vibration than the Silver Buddy since it is made with a willow leaf spinnerbait blade. I was fishing at a shallow lake so I wanted a slower fall rate.
  10. I was just too lazy to adjust the camera angle for the distance. It only weighed 8# and 6 oz.
  11. Nope, wasn't Ruritan Thanks
  12. Just make sure the area is clean, sand it a little and clean up with alcohol or a similar quick evaporatng solvent. Any oil or gas residue will prevent a solid adhesion. Make sure the epoxy you get is the slow cure type and give it time to harden. I don't trust the idiots that work at BPS. Where I got my boat, the BPS shop didn't even know how to set the tach for the engine and I had returned it twice for them to fix it. I finally did a web search for the setting and did it myself.
  13. I use both no matter what the conditions are. I let the fish indicate a preference. This one preferred gold, the one before and after preferred silver.
  14. The "3D" is a gimmic IMHO. The accuracy of the surveys is not enough to trust what is displayed. Navionics or no other mapping company surveys every square foot on the bottom. Some of the lakes I fish have large prominate bottom features that are not represented by contour lines. When a raised highway or railroad bed is not shown on their maps, it's pretty obvious that the contour lines are computer generated to match the shoreline shape between the actual path the survery boat covered. Don't use your "fun" at the expense of your hull and lower unit. Trust what you sonar is showing you.
  15. Remove the transducer with the cut cable. Just chip some of the epoxy from around it and give it a whack on the side with a hammer. Hopefully you ordered the SHOOT-THRU and not the THRU-HULL.
  16. Stuff you don't want, donate it to a youth fishing group.
  17. Something to consider. For the best images, the transduer needs to be parallel with the water's surface when you are scanning. Most boats sit on the water with a bow up attitude when idling with the outboard. Base your attachment on that premise. You can't get that attitude under the step unless it is reversed from how you are holding it. Additionally the farther from the hull bottom that transducer is, the slower you will have to go to get clean non-aerated water flowing across it. The transom step creates a vacuum when you are moving forward. Marine sonar won't work through air. The best location for the fastest scan speed and still have the transducer protected from possible impact damage is above the hull drain. BUT that will depend on the waters you fish. If you fish in timber/stumps a lot, you may want it on the metal flake a little more to the left just below the motor mount bolts. That will give the left side scan pulse a better "view" past the motor mount, but not so close to the lower unit that it will hit the transducer when trimmed all the way down. You will have to trim out some when scanning if you put it on the transom, probably not if under the transom. Trim your motor all the way down to check the clearance.
  18. Just get a battery cable from an auto parts store or Walmart and use that as a jumper..
  19. Get any model that has a variable speed control. Why do you have a 4 bank charger? Do you have 4 batteries in your boat now?
  20. Contact Tracker directly. The same thing happed to me the day I towed the boat home when I bought it. When you get a new one, put a small stainless steel screw in it or just some adhesive. I have already called them idiots for not securing the cupholders so they don't blow out when towing. That was 3 years ago, They must still be idiots.
  21. I'm using my computer and I get no number for anyone. All I get is View Profile:and your screen name or anyone else's screen name
  22. I don't get any number on anyones avatar.
  23. No, mapping is not shared with Humminbird or Lowrance. Each has to have its own. Before you purchase any map software check the built-in ContourXD mapping. It may have what you need. Additionally Humminbirds read Navionics and Lakemaster software. One may be better than the other for some locations.
  24. I'm going Friday
  25. There is only one transducer made that will give you accurate readings through aluminum hulls. Do a web search for Alumaducer.
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