OK, you have three things that reflect sonar pulses on the left side of the transducer.<br />The speedometer pick-up tube, the right side of the jackplate and the inside of the left side of the jackplate.<br />All three of those have vertical surfaces.<br />The SI pulses cover from the water's surface to past vertical under the tranducer on both sides.<br /><br />Your GPS function gives you speed so the speedometer tube is not needed.<br /><br />Next is the position of the transducer on the transom.<br />It should be positioned in the center of two of the hull ridges since the ends of those are create air bubbles when on plane, additionaly the weld bead at the transom/bottom juction is a air bubble maker too.<br />You have the second worse hull construction type (sloppy welds) to get good performance with a transom mounted transducer for on plane depth readings. The ones with numerous rivets are worse.<br /><br />The position of your speedometer pick up tube would be a better location. That will have it closer to the jackplate so the left side SI pulse can "see" past it better.<br /><br />As far as the unit shutting down, there are several things that cause that and can be one or all of the following:<br />Your battery is too small to provide power to other stuff when you start the outboard.<br />Your battery is not fully charged and or failing.<br />Your battery connections are not clean and tight.<br />Your wiring has too much resistance to provide the voltage under load the unit needs.<br /><br />Number one item to start with is the unit power cord should be connected directly to the battery. If it is too short, add at least 16 guage wire to it and solder the splices and waterproof them. Use a spade type fuse with waterproof holder at the battery. That is the Humminbird installation suggestion and eliminates any defective/weak wiring your boat has that would be part of the power connection.