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Everything posted by 12poundbass

  1. There’s a guy out ice fishing on our lake as we speak. The overnight lows are not helping one bit.
  2. I think I’ve reached a mid - mid life crisis. I grew up on rap music then did a 180 and switched to country. Thanks to YouTube I found Ryan Upchurch. Not sure how that happened but it did and I’m starting to like his music especially after doing some research on him. You might recognize a guy in the video. He recently backtracked on the video because of a certain symbol (a sale out in my eyes but that’s my opinion) but either way Ryan Upchurch’s music has cought my attention and I’m a follower. Like the music or not he’s a complete Guinness and I applaud him.
  3. Live 3D Mark it down. If I read correctly a while back Garmin applied for a patent for this technology.
  4. Mud season is here @A-Jay! I just found a trench that was covered in mud. It put up a good fight, but I wasn’t about to let the mud take me. @MN Fisher No more than 10 minutes after saying I’ll welcome the rain this happens. I’m rethinking the rain deal. ?
  5. As much as I don’t want rain because it’ll make mess of everything I’ll welcome any rain we get to speed things up.
  6. That’s how we’re looking early to mid week next week. The overnight lows are killing the ice melt though, or at least slowing it down quite a bit.
  7. 12poundbass


  8. Use the lower frequency which gives you a bigger cone to find what you’re looking for, then go back over it with the higher frequency to get better detail.
  9. Everybody is different as far as color goes, play around and see what suits you best. Default settings are perfect.
  10. I do the same. I’m not taking a chance at kicking up a rock or anything else and smashing a screen.
  11. Those look nice!
  12. Me to a tee the past couple years. ? While I buy and buy and load up on tackle, rods, and reels, and read, and watch videos, and say I’m going to try this technique and that I end up trying one new technique it ends up working out and I ride that wave most of the season. Last year it was the bladed jig. I don’t like getting outside my comfort zone in more than just fishing, so once I do venture outside of it (bladed jig again) and try something new I’ll stick with it and the long process of trying something new starts all over again. Structure fishing is another one of my handicaps as you know. I spend all winter reading, watching, and learning. Ice out comes I go offshore, skunk, and run right back to the bank. It’s quite maddening! But once I finally figure something out offshore I’ll stick with it to the point I’ll drive myself nuts again. Hey, Rome wasn’t built in a day. That’s what I tell myself to help with my insanity. ?
  13. And now we know why frog legs taste like chicken.
  14. Sounds like a good idea!
  15. Looking at the link it says 8. I’ve gotten into the KVD speed bags. They’re really nice and come in two sizes that hold 20 or 40 bags of soft plastics. https://www.amazon.com/Plano-PLAB11700-Worm-Speedbag-Holds/dp/B07SFBSVK4
  16. I haven’t seen much Live this weekend. I did turn it on just before noon today. One question...... What in the h e l l did John Cox do to his hair? ?
  17. Looks like the consensus is the Pad Crasher and it usually is when these threads come up. Another vote for the Pad Crasher!
  18. There were 4 that went in over by Detroit yesterday, one didn’t make it. There’s one on our lake as we speak, and I saw a side by side yesterday on the lake across the road from ours. A bit too risky for me. Walking on it, no problem but, a motorized vehicle, nope!
  19. Our temps are pretty close to yours. With no rain in the forecast and no real super high temps, March 6 doesn’t seem obtainable. If the predicted temps for the following week hold true, I can see the ice on our lake at least being gone. Either way, we’re getting closer each day.
  20. I imitated him one time and developed the nickname ’Scuba J’ that night. It has stuck for almost 20 years!
  21. Things are so quiet here, my ears ring constantly.
  22. Watching him after the win was pretty cool too! I’m a new fan of his.
  23. He reminds me of Steve Irwin. The dude is a bull in a China shop, just like Irwin was. I haven’t been able to watch much, but I did get a kick out of him seeing all the beds and getting excited over the huge bass that turned out to be a turtle. Oh and in the midst of all that excitement were any of you watching and waiting for him to kick a rod overboard? I don’t know much about him or have seen much of him, but he does seem to be beyond his years. He was fun to watch the little bit I did.
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