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Everything posted by TnRiver46

  1. I say it all the time! Those Ned heads are too rich for my blood. I use round ball heads that cost less and other worms that cost less
  2. That’s why a few hundred people move to Tennessee every day
  3. I’ve caught winter smallmouth in 19-20 foot of water from muddy to clear, they just really like 19-20 foot all winter. Largemouth seem to push up when it floods
  4. Sounds like the answer to your question is a lot of people eat bass, myself included. They are delicious. Poaching is bad but catching and eating bass is my favorite thing in the world
  5. Dead sticking a weightless fluke can be very effective as well
  6. I’m sure it varies from store to store but wal mart academy and DSG all have The originals in my area
  7. I know one guy that fishes that exact technique almost exclusively in any water for almost any fish. Is this Gary???? Haha
  8. The kick 6! Surely Saban didn’t think malzahn was gonna go for it up 3 inside his own territory
  9. Sweet! I think I could get a few fillets off that lure! It looks Ready to pick a fight with a big largemouth come bed season
  10. That’s the worst conditions we get where I live, much rather have it snow than very cold rain. We’ve only had one real blizzard in my life (if 2 feet counts as one) and I’m sure there’s worse things up north but drenched and 31 degrees is a bad place to be
  11. Pretty funny when auburn tricked saban on that last play
  12. @MassYak85, scuppernong worms...... if I had a nickel for every bass I’ve caught with those....... I’d have like $15
  13. Luke Dunkin is more connected than you might think and if nobody has ever heard of him, why did the president of MLF go over his head in an attempt to censor his comments??
  14. Bass Resource? Do you work for MLF?
  15. Large negative backlash? BP and the G man leaving after year 1? MLFs North Korea like reaction to any criticism? Maybe they realized that trying to get everyone’s wife to watch wasn’t the best idea?
  16. All I know is the cowl says mercury 135 and it flies haha. I didn’t even know they had a 135 until the first time I saw that motor
  17. Ha! I’ve always said I should have started selling stuff to bass fishermen when I turned 18
  18. Give em hell!!!
  19. Meanwhile in Knoxville they are delaying the football game. Because it’s raining. Dumbest thing I’ve ever seen in my life. Who are they protecting when there are 90,000 fans sitting on metal bleachers?
  20. Can too!!! You can kill and eat them as well. We have like 6 separate goose seasons, the longest of which opened yesterday. One of my buddies got two already You can get a permit to stomp their eggs if harassment fails
  21. It ices up while using it below about 28 degrees but it’s no worse for the wear come spring. It’s just useless when it’s super cold, but not damaged for the future
  22. I just buy a cheap combo at Publix when I go to the beach. Use for the week and discard when you go home haha. But seriously I have used several of my rods and reels down there (which are far from high end) and never had any trouble.
  23. I thought I read a few places that #1 was the perfect size. I went out and got some owner #1 and they have been working. I did have a monster smallmouth sling one back at me on the jump after a long fight but I think that can happen with any hook every now and then.
  24. It’s kind of weird, they run upriver in fall here also. The spring run they go way up into shallows but in fall they go up pretty far and seem to stop in deep holes and stay there all winter long. I’ve been known to have a fish fry darn near every night in winter and I give my neighbors a lot. We caught them right below a dam today, 30,000 cfs.
  25. One of the craziest white bass days I’ve ever seen and I’ve seen some things.............. we got well over 100 before 10:30 am, they were still biting when we left. We went to go shoot clay pigeons on a friends farm and they decided to check a pond that never has ducks on it...... and there were 20 or so! One of my buddies dropped two gadwall, love the holidays! Cast n blast
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