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Everything posted by TnRiver46

  1. Fall is all that perfect weather we have had from about oct 14 until.... April..... 60 degrees monday (low of 54)....... I fished in a t shirt until the sun dropped yesterday. Winter is what they have up North
  2. Whaaaaa???? Why did they take it off? Backreel is essential
  3. Widespread panic is not just a band name........ There wont be a light jacket or gallon of milk available for miles around. "Skipped fall all together" they are still saying........
  4. If keeping 5 is so detrimental, why are a majority of fisheries in America way better than they used to be? It takes 15-20 lbs to win about anywhere. That was not the case 20+ years ago
  5. I bought two recently that both suspend perfectly, although I was tossing them on 6lb mono. I left one underwater right next to the boat for 2 minutes and it never floated up
  6. An age old fish catching tactic that almost never fails!
  7. I think I use that same brand of waterproofing spray for my boots, it works!
  8. Not exactly sure, people that would know said 30-35
  9. Paid $50k out of pocket
  10. Haha. It’s a lot better than it used to be
  11. Awesome! Bibs is one piece of gear I can’t believe I went so long without (my pants are always falling down..... I’m a hank hill body type). Now the cold breeze never gets to my backside
  12. Clear slow water this is definitely my favorite. Faster current I go heavier
  13. Congrats @The Bassman, that’s something a lot of us take for granted. Way to brave the elements
  14. Im working out that way today, ill honk the horn when i cross the river! Tight lines!!!
  15. Indeed! Works for suspended fish summer and winter. And if its shallow it can work on the bottom like you described. I still twitch it but not much
  16. No problem man. Take some spoons and blade baits too and never rule out a walking bait
  17. Oooo oooo take me take me!!! Never fished the lake proper but I love smallies in the cold! Dragging jigs like you mentioned is always a good option, most likely all the timber is high and dry but points are always good. If I could only fish one thing for deep clear cold water smallmouth it would be a 2.5 inch gulp minnow on an 1/8 oz jig head tight lining.
  18. Wow nice shooting. I couldn’t hit the screen from here with a pistol
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