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Everything posted by TnRiver46

  1. I don't use them either
  2. Pretty spots. 56-57 degree water they could still be doing anything and would be scattered all over the place. Sounds like y’all were on the right track if you got 6-7 of them, all I would have tried differently would be cover water quickly.
  3. I always use eagle claw. It’s about the cheapest thing going and I’ve never had line troubles.
  4. 43 degrees and spitting rain yesterday...... perfect!!!
  5. Hope your fever breaks and you get back out there! We are headed to tellico shortly
  6. Wetlands ecology 250....... and that class was not easy!!!
  7. I do this all the time. The problem is when you stop and cast you never catch anything. Go back to trolling and immediately start catching again
  8. I like the spoon glass!
  9. Great news! Merry Christmas!
  10. Wire brush, maybe some powder laundry soap and hot water. For stuff that’s really bad rusted like a seized up pair of pliers, they make a product called naval jelly
  11. Rattle trap jig and shakey head
  12. Two good choices
  13. Need help. Send milk
  14. I like to pull them 2.0 mph while sitting at the steering wheel and watching the depth finder all winter long
  15. Been wondering where you were, hope you get to feeling better soon
  16. Cool deal, thanks for the update
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