Funny day. Had 3.5 hours to kill and it was calling for snow. This one lake about 45 minutes north of my house is pretty much the only clear water left after the latest deluge. It always fishes better in windy cloudy or even snowy weather so I head there. I get there and it’s sunny and cold and the water has risen about 12.5 feet. I’ve always heard that makes the fish go up shallow and eat so I cranked a wiggle wart around to no avail. Back to the trusty gulp minnow on a tight line down deep and finally started getting bites. Couple of dinks, pretty slow so I just sat down on the front deck and was taking it easy. Of course I get a bite and the fish starts pulling pretty hard. I’m afraid to stand up because I’m thinking as soon as I do, it will get slack and shake off somehow. I finally landed an 18.5 inch smallmouth while seated on the boat deck haha. Then a 16”. Meanwhile all my friends are sending me pictures of snow around my house and fellow member @Jermination sends me 1.5 inches on the front of his bass boat! Only about 1-1.5 hours south of me fishing in the sunshine