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Everything posted by Munkin

  1. The 3 guys I am going to be competing against in the next year. Hopefully you kept the rear blade as that's what makes them special. Allen
  2. Right now my favorite spinnerbaits are the ones I don't have to make! There are 183 spinnerbait heads sitting on my bench that need painted. Just a little burnt out right now so I don't feel like painting them even though I need to. Allen
  3. Use to have about 10 of these but sold them all for like $40 each. Not sure why someone hasn't started making them again. Allen
  4. Throw that bait all day long on a St. Croix Premier 7'MHM crankbait rod. I do like the LC crank better than the SK in 1.5. Allen
  5. Rapala makes called the subwalk or something like that? Allen
  6. Looks like you have a lot of answers to what everyone calls a "Hair Jig". Around here they are the best cold water bait to use. When I say cold water I am talking about sub 40 degree water just to be clear. Bear hair has no equal in this temperature range amd if you have some Uncle Josh 101 pork trailers you are set. We use these in the river for SM In January to the beginning of March when the lakes are frozen solid. Once the water temp hits 40 I will start throwing small tubes maybe some other baits? Otherwise bear hair jigs rule cold water and if anyone knows where I can buy some brown bear hair please let me know. Allen
  7. I did the exact same thing on a slender pointer. Now it's a shallow diver and still works. Allen
  8. Second favorite color behind green pumpkin. Works in every water clarity. Allen
  9. Jewelry wipes are what I use. Allen
  10. I tried organizing a small one in central Maryland and can't get anyone to commit. Allen
  11. Got a message from a buddy that Southern Plastics is closing? They make BPS, SK, and a lot of other companies soft plastics. Per the website they produce 70% of all soft plastics in the US. Allen
  12. Around here it isn't a good color from my experience. It was my #1 jig color when I spent 17 weeks in MO for the Army. What I found is the crayfish there were brown with a purple hue to them. Allen
  13. I have used it before when I wanted the bulkiest profile for a jig. Solid black Horny toad on a 1/2oz black jig with a starflash skirt is a big bait that catches big fish. This is not a numbers bait but if you are in an area with bigger fish and looking for a kicker it works. Allen
  14. Evergreen JT has worked great for me or a wooden LC Sammy. Allen
  15. What does it look like? I may have a replacement. Allen
  16. Generally a 4/0 offset worm hook. Allen
  17. So far this year these have caught; SM, LM, walleye, channel cat. flathead cat, bluegill, and a rainbow trout. Allen
  18. Columbia Coatings. Allen
  19. Did he make the fluke baits with craft fur for gills? Allen
  20. I have this one that I use for swimbaits and flukes. Allen
  21. Owner Oversize Worm Hooks - Tackle Warehouse Don't use big worms often but after missing some fish I switched to these 7/0 hooks. Allen
  22. Do-It Weighted Hook Mold Regular Eye - Barlow's Tackle (barlowstackle.com) Do-It makes a mold for that. Allen
  23. Fluid bed is very nice to have but if you are just doing 20 jigheads probably not worth it. I have 3 that I got from TJ's tackle and highly recommend his though you can make your own. Allen
  24. Hooks will be here in 1-2 weeks. time to get ready to start pouring the crap out of them. Allen
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