I still stand by my statement, a simple task perform by a manager or an honest employee would have prevented this. I've seen at it K-mart. Some people would buy something, go back to electronic grab a 20" LCD TV and try carry it out the door while some employee would just see the receipt and let them walk out the door. It didn't happen at my store, but the loss and prevention manager told me it happen at other stores and he told me when someone shows you a receipt, read the dates and the items.
All I'm saying is, if employees knew how do their job they wouldn't be having this problem.
To me, that thinking is akin to saying that because someone forgot to lock their doors then it it their own fault someone stole their stuff.
How about if I let my Antivirus software lapse for a month and someone steals my bank information? Is that not a crime?
Many thefts can be prevented and big box stores do little to curb the practice, however it is still wrong.
Honestly, I dont see any other valid perspective. To me, rationalizing his actions by placing blame on store employees is criminal thinking.