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Everything posted by SPEEDBEAD.

  1. How about this one. The endings are all the same... http://www.bassresource.com/bass_fishing_forums/YaBB.pl?num=1267124463/15#15
  2. IBTL Woot! Do a search man, this has been beaten to death.
  3. Think about it.... It's comparable to a rainstorm, just a low pressure situation that is around 32 degrees. I have heard of guys throwing buzzbaits in a snow storm and killin' it.
  4. Brauer was really cool and approachable. Walked right up to him and he signed one of my Rage Tail stickers. Got a long distance pic of KVD when he first showed up. He seemed to be MUCH less approachable. I spent the majority of my time at the Megastrike booth with Bobby and his minions. Those guys are all freakin' nuts...
  5. He does car stereo stuff now. Saw a couple videos with him in them. Muddy is alive and kicking. Bass Resource and other forums do not fit with his personality at this juncture. He is ok with that. I will be sure to post pics from fishing with him this year. He says "Hello" to everyone...
  6. My fault, just went through the texts and I must have missed it. Ah, no big deal. I saw him and Brauer the day before in Philly.
  7. Ah, whatever... I'll text you some swimbait fish pics this year. LOL
  8. Thanks for the call there, buddy... : ;D
  9. I believe Burley dabbles in the exotic meat market... From what I understand, he has sampled quite a few.
  10. Stick with 7 on this one and go buy a scale. Excitement leads to guesses that sway toward higher numbers... That will erase all doubting in the future.
  11. That is a great looking fish. What is up with the rules at that place though?
  12. I don 't. I 'm not supersttious or anything like that but I 've found a trend, when I take the camera I don 't catch anything worth taking a picture of, when I don 't take the camera is when I catch something worth taking a picture but I got no camera. so, the camera satays at home. I just don't take one Yep, that's why you haven't seen all the pics of the 10lb PA bass that I catch each year. This one time I caught 32 8lb fish in one day. I owe it all to the fact that I didnt have a camera to verify it. It was AWESOME. You should have been there... :
  13. If ShadCranker vouches for the guy, I will take his word for it. Nice prices.
  14. Not sure about the misfires, interesting. I know on mine, mounting a scope was not a problem. I have had it for over 15 years. While the slide is on the top, the shells eject to the side. I have had no clearance issues whatsoever.
  15. Very popular in the Northeast due to the type of hunting done here (thick, typically shots >100yds). I would be willing the bet that the 336 and Model 94 Winchester in 30-30 have accounted for more deer than just about any other caliber in the NE. They used to sell an Accelerator 30-30 round that was basically a small sabot in a 30-30 casing. That thing whizzed out around 3400FPS w/ a 55grain bullet. Definitely an "old school" caliber, but effective still.
  16. Yep, I bet if you go to the store, you will see that it is a misprint. Rick CLANN is going to be there talking about walleyes. ;D
  17. I get off at 4 today. Keep your phone around you and I will give a call. Bobby, got any different Megastrike Flavors coming with you?
  18. PM the following people: CJ Deb R520dvx They may be able to help you. Good luck.
  19. I may be doing a Breast Cancer Awareness bowling tournament on Saturday. I will check today and get in touch with you.
  20. Is this it? http://www.sportshows.com/philly/index.html
  21. PK, let me know if you want to go. I can try to work something out. Bobby, do you have a link?
  22. I am a Lesnar fan. I watch MMA for the entertainment value and appreciation for what talents ALL these guys present. I think it's funny that Mir says Lesnar is not a role model to children, but he says he wants to make Lesnar the first person to die in the Octagon? That's about as idiotic a statement as one could make... Should make for another interesting fight though... Dont look past Carwin.
  23. I saw that one. There was this hot red-head on the box cover.... ;D LMAO Nice!!! LOL, glad someone finally picked up on that. ;D
  24. How much? I like it.
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