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Everything posted by SPEEDBEAD.

  1. Mike, I don't think J-B is going. See above.
  2. Different strokes for different folks, I suppose. That is what makes the world go 'round.
  3. I know a certain Lake Erie fisherman who will disagree with that statement. He has more 6 pound smallmouth to his name than you can shake a stick at.
  4. As was mentioned before, you can GENERALLY tell when someone is lazy, someone is young, someone is less educated and when someone just doesn't give a rat's arse about their grammar. "Sounds like a fool" and being a fool are two totally different things. You can look back through any number of my posts and see that I have not called anyone a fool (well, maybe Pitchinkid and Burley), nor will I. Occasionally, I demonstrate the ability of biting my tongue for the exact purpose of not putting a kid out on front street. Matt, be honest about the situation. The majority of the habitual offenders are MORE than old enough to know better. When I take the time to type out a response longer than one sentence, I want the reader to see that I may have put some thought into a response. If someone were to respond to one of my questions and it looked like a first grade child typed it, how much credibility do you think I might give the post? If anyone expects to be taken seriously in any given situation, they should present themselves that way. Goofing around? Sure, type however you may like. I do it too on the less serious threads.
  5. I don't think that an attempt at proper grammar is too much to ask. Certain responses do not require full sentences while others do. I find it entertaining when someone asks a decent question, yet sounds like a complete fool because they did not take the time to proofread their post. Again, is it too much to ask?
  6. KVD L&L because it works. Any fluoro or mono gets the treatment. Braid gets it if the reel is sitting there.
  7. Maybe, if you are nice, I will let you reel the fish in. ;D Check your PM yo!!!
  8. Paul, keep us in mind the first week of May. Any info you could give us will be greatly appreciated. Wouldnt mind catching a few of those while we are down there.
  9. 5 hours, one way. Worth every minute.
  10. Look delicious, don't they? Top two are 3:16 Freestyle Herrings, last bait is made by Randall and is called the High Power Herring. These things are going to rip up this year.
  11. Also, if you havent seen one of the big screen monitors in action you are definitely missing out. The picture on this thing was clear, even in bright sun.
  12. Made the trek to Erie to fish with Dwight. Had a little slower day (according to him, LOL) but a couple big girls did decide to come out and play. Dwight is a class act all the way. I can't wait until the next time I go up. Here are the two biggest of the day, both over 5.
  13. I'm not a big Giron fan. I actually think it's too small to pose a threat to a large bedding female. The action looks robotic too. I could see its use over emerging vegetation; that sounds promising. I'll stick to Mattlures bluegills. You just can't beat the realism of those baits.
  14. Man, I freakin' LOVE tater tots. For the record, I love them so much that I would have used a much stronger word than "freakin'" if given the opportunity and/or permission. ;D
  15. Seyone, glad to see someone else mention Coe. DAC is the man. I enjoy quite a bit of the newer music, depending on the subject. Like most have mentioned, you can't really beat Waylon, Hank, Merle, Charlie and Johnny.
  16. Can't wait Dwight. I can see some big fish in the very near future.
  17. I can see the confusion. ;D Steezy's name isnt Mike, is it? :-?
  18. Alrighty, just clarifying a point.
  19. Because we did really good last year during the exact same time. We'll get there Sunday evening, they're finished then. Don't know why I have to defend our decision of when to fish though. : You dont have to defend, but he is making a valid point. The Elites are there right before you that weekend. There will be people everywhere; probably one of the busiest weeks on that lake this year.
  20. Pretty sure it's "bi-curious," but that is a whole other thread... ;D
  21. Brent made those tubes for you post-that sandwich.....You'll be *. Trust me, I dont need the help of that sandwich to hold on to my "chubby" title. :-[ I wouldnt turn one down though. ;D
  22. There are lots of them in that $600 to $700 range in good areas. It seems as soon as you want to get into a complex that price goes up to $800+ a month. Any tips? Yeah. Save your money and buy a townhouse.
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