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Root beer

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Everything posted by Root beer

  1. Just go backpacking in Glacier and Yellowstone. I hope to make it out there next summer when I graduate college. If you can, find a trout fishing guide.
  2. 21
  3. 4wd don't really help you if it pure solid ice over the entire road..Best bet is to get chain...
  4. One of the pubs is having a 2.00 Miller Lite night, with 35 cents per wings. I might find myself over there watching the game. 35 cents wings and a decent beer..Dale yeah!
  5. One question: Why?
  6. I cheated on a computer game once. ;D It was all good fun. I didn't cheat to win every match. I had a lot of fun doing stupid stuff with the cheats. lol. I go a couple rounds and just flat out get my arse kicked (on purpose) then just dominate the entire team next round for the heck of it. Those were the days, I have no idea how to cheat on the xbox.
  7. My phone available for upgrade in April, the contract ends in August. There are two other phones on mine contract that eligible for upgrade and I can move one of those upgrade eligibility to mine phone and buy a droid today. lol. screw it. I'll figure it out. Edit: I should be able buy a droid today, add the data plan and still have my entire contract expired in August..
  8. They do have two year contract, but my contract allows my phone be upgrade before my contract is out.... I've had same contract for a while already had one upgrade. I'm due for another one soon. I think my contract ends sometimes this summer or next fall, I'll have to double check soon as I can find it.
  9. T-Mobile don't have 4G in my area. Knoxville is the closest area and I go to school nearly 2.5 hours away. I'm trying to find out when my contract expired on my online account on Verizon. Verizon does have the best coverage in this area.
  10. I can get the Droid 2 from Verizon for 49.99 which is certified pre-owned. I'll just have to add the data plan to my monthly phone bill. I dropped mine phone last night in water...It was only in water for two seconds but it still glitchy. I left it in a bag of rice last night, but it vibrating for no reason....Crap....I didn't hurt mine phone intentionally so I would have an excuse for a new phone. I swear. lol.
  11. Seriously?
  12. I don't think I'll be able to transfer songs from mine ipod to the iphone should I get it...I might go with one of the droids because of the physical keyboard instead of just the pure touchscreen. Is the Angry Bird available for Droid? the iPod touch is awesome and it's basically just like iPhone minus the actual phone part...
  13. I'm thinking of jumping onto the smartphone bandwagon and I'm trying to decide on which phone.. Mine phone actually available for upgrade soon and I thought about getting iPhone through Verizon. I was just wondering what are the usual costs for Apps for both iPhone and Androids? They are just a one time cost, correct? For those of you with iPhone, if you're playing a game and someone sends you a text it will not int erupt your game, right? Wal-Mart has a Straight Talk phone card that has unlimited text, talk, and data and I might wait until mine contract expired and go that route. Someone told me I could used an android with this phone card, can anyone verify it?
  14. I ran malwarebyte in safe mode with networking and it updated then found 3 viruses. None of them said antivirus.net so it could be renamed. If you go back to the link in my earlier post about removing this virus step-by-step it says uncheck one of the server proxy in internet explorer tool before running scans. With that being left uncheck has to do with reason why malware not being active or chances are malwarebyte already removed it and it was just renamed since that website published the tip? I'm able open up files that I couldn't before.
  15. Okay, I figured out how to do the steps listed in the website. The malwarbyte removed three more items on quick scan. Non of the items it removed said "antivirus.net", but so far on normal window it hasn't pop up. Either it's removed or it just not active because of the internet explorer tool being disable as described in the link. I was able open up my virus scan which I could open up during the malware..So either it fix or it just temporarily disable....
  16. There are people on this forum that complains about soccer and other sports, so why can't I add a complaint?
  17. NASCAR is dumb. End of discussion. They should have stuck to running from the law with moonshine in their car. Actually they can't do that in some state since moonshine becoming legal. It still dumb! I rather watch soccer than bunch of cars riding in circle.
  18. I downloaded the .com version of Rkill with assumpiton the .exe file wouldn't work. It won't' run straight from flash drive in normal window. Will the malwarbyte be able to update in safe mode since no internet will be running? Nick, I don't know how to do that hack thing, I'll try that tomorrow night when I go home and used my dad's computer to download the program. Antivirus.net is the program. It keeps sending me to their site. I'm using Mozilla and it will try send me to their site using internet explorer and get me to buy the software.....
  19. X2 - These fake anti virus programs are getting tricky... This suggestion should nail all of them. I have cleaned so many of them out for others that I can do it manually now. Just need to find the files (usually in the folder Application Data) and the folders and files are random letters and numbers (careful though, some of them are legit). Then find all the registry crap it changed and delete it (that's the hard part). I did this in safe mode and it didn't work. The program did find a trojan doppler and removed it, but I'm still having the attack in normal window..I downloaded the rkill.com version assuming the .exe wouldn't work, but it will not open up in normal window....
  20. I don't care for computers. The only computer classes I've taken taught me how to type and used Microsoft Office. I guess I'll figure out how change the file name..
  21. How do I change the name of malware? Should I be able to run Rkill directly from flash drive the moment my window appears?
  22. This is virus I got, I noticed i keep getting message to go this website to activate the anti-virus software, but problem is I've never downloaded this software before...So I googled the website and found this site:http://www.myantispyware.com/2011/01/26/how-to-remove-antivirus-net-virus/ Now I got figure it out step-by-step how to delete this piece of crap off of mine expensive laptop. Good news my computer not in immediate harm, just a annoying malware trying trick me into "buying" a anti-virus scan.
  23. I'll try the safe mode. I had internet halt during the entire scanning process. Wish me luck. :-/ P.S. I did try restoring computer from control panel with no success, the window would not open..I think the virus really got into my registry and infected anything that could be used to clean and fix computer...
  24. TROJ_PEED.BLK Is the detection name. It's really all I know, I don't know how delete them myself from registry....
  25. I can't run them. I click to run one of my registry/spyware it won't open. I try to restore some files, but the window will not open. My current antivirus scan, the one I just tried to download, spyware/registry, and backupfiles will not open....Basically anything that could help me fix the problem will not open up... > Now what?
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