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Root beer

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Everything posted by Root beer

  1. It needs a little competition among firms. Think, computers back in 80s and early 90s were expensive, over $1,000s of dollars, right? You can buy one for $200 bucks now. Just give it time and when it gets more investors and tax incentive to invests more and greater demand will create more firms to rise to the occasion. At least in theory.
  2. Because the gas station owners are expected to pay more for oil on the next delivery. Price changes more rapidly these days with new technology. The price of oil is global. granted a deadly tidal wave in Japan does not make Americans buy more oil, but speculators believes it will disrupt the supply globally. The Dodd-Frank bill has given power to people that monitor derivatives and commodity markets to help devise a bill that will help regulate unnecessary speculation. Unfortunately, that is not an easy task. Speculations does not always benefit people at the top. A farmer with your income could make a killer off speculation. Hell, I'm a 21 year old kid and I made a decent profit off speculation. I cannot complain, but I'm getting taking to the cleaner on another stock. Thank goodness I'm making money elsewhere to make that loss somewhat irrelevant. I used to own Ford Motor and I was force to sell it due to a contract that I entered and the fees ended up giving me a loss, and if I hadn't entered that contract I would made a good profit in very short time. Because I bought it around $4 and some change, right? The next month after I was force to sell, the government initiated the Cash for Clunker program and Ford Motor soared to 15.00 a share. I sat there with palm on head shaking in disappointment. lol. Oh well, it only money. There is more to life than money. Just wait until someone gets the balls to get alternative energy rolling. Oil will collapsed and speculators will push price of alternative energy up because it will be the new trend. lol.
  3. CEOs of oil companies and gas station owners aren't going to bed every night dreaming about what they should charge next for gasoline. In another word, that 3.65 you paid for gas wasn't a random number the gas station owner picked for the day. Just saying...
  4. Today, in Federal Income Tax class we was discussion ordinary and necessary deduction. A story broke out that a stockbroker went to court because he deducted premiums paid on life insurance of a U.S. President. He believed that the death of this President would disrupt the stock market. The court denied his deduction. If you don't find this funny, please come get me out of class and take me on a much needed deep sea fishing trip..It's the funniest thing I've heard in the last two weeks.....
  5. There has been a lot of unexplained beer injuries and other explained alcohol related accidents going on lately.
  6. Everyone, please read the bold quote above over and over....Generally, oil companies cannot control the entire oil market..Sure they might have a few traders that can be major players in the Commodity Market, but they cannot influence the entire market. Too many variables beyond their control is influencing the price. I own a company that explores and extracts natural gas and oil and they spend millions on derivatives in event the markets for natural gas and oil suddenly drop. If the company can influence the price of oil, why spend millions and billions of derivatives to hedge themselves from drop in price? Which is why I cannot rationally believe that a CEO can hire a few traders and influence the ENTIRE supply of oil which is priced in U.S. dollars and is used around the world in many products. Because of the latter, the demand is more than just U.S. drivers. Other countries and companies using crude oil in their products (other than refining it for gas) helps contribute to higher price. Just few things worth mentioning. Remember, the hippies had it right. They wanted alternative energy. By the way, Long Mike, shouldn't it be "its" instead of "it's?"
  7. My mom and grandma are type 2 diabetes. While my mawmaw is type 1 I believe. I gotta watch my back. It seems only the females in my family that has it, so I might be safe genetic wise..I hope..I still eat bad food, but I eat healthy food and exercise too. Hopefully that will be enough. I hope. lol. I hardly ever go to McDonald's, but I do get a burger at another place called Cook Out. I eat more chicken than red meat when I go out to restaurants.
  8. Someone told me Aaron Douglas died of overdose, but no confirmed source that I saw..My high school team played against him in the high school state semi-final game. It's wild and sad at the same time.
  9. http://www.dailyfinance.com/2011/05/18/health-experts-attack-mcdonalds-but-can-they-bite-into-its-bot/?icid=maing-grid7|aim|dl1|sec1_lnk2|64222 My questions are, why isn't some of the other restaurants getting attacked too? Maybe it the sheer amount of high volume of people that eat at McDonald's that make it a target? Is McDonald's to blame? What about the parents shoving these types of food in their children mouth? The bottom line is that the world is wild.
  10. I played when I was a teen and took it up again when my brother lived on a golf course. My dad had a membership, but he let it expired and I haven't played since my brother moved due to job related. It was only good for shouting cuss words. It is highly likely I won't pick it up again, I got mountain biking, fishing, and backpacking to keep my soul sane. I'm sure once I get into real world that I'll have clients and coworkers inviting me to go play golf. Hopefully going fishing or bike riding won't hurt my relationship with them.
  11. I've had knee surgery, broken leg, concussion, shoulder injury, bruised ribs, and this back injury top them all. It has been difficult trying to get in and out of my chair and lay comfortably in bed. I wish they have prescribed me a stronger pain killer. Oh well. Just be careful around stairs, folks. lol.
  12. I fell backward and hit it hard. Standing at top and fell straight backward with nothing to slow down my fall. My upper neck and back hit the stairs directly as fast as I could fall backward. Thank goodness nothing was broken. I'm very lucky..
  13. Root beer


    Falling down the stairs is a miserable experience, even if you do not feel it at the time it happen. You will feel it the next few days. I haven't been in this much pain for as long as I could remember. I don't even think my concussion generated this much pain. (probably because of the hydros) Don't fall down the stairs,it sucks.
  14. Finals week are over hyped.
  15. http://www.lamebook.com/the-osama-network/
  16. I'm done. It was the easiest final week I ever had in my collegiate career. I scored high enough on my legal exams that I opted out of the final, didn't have to take the Financial Accounting final either. I nailed the management final with ease. My Professionalism final was a presentation and essay questions over things in regard to the CPA profession. My Monetary Economic was the lone final that made me break a sweat..I'm still waiting to know what I made on it. I finished the semester with three As and a B. Still awaiting on one more grade. Hopefully an A.... Unfortunately, I get two weeks off then I'm taken two summer classes to make my senior year less rough. Plus I'm going to be studying for the GMAT exam. Lovely.
  17. After the press conference, I got a funny text message but it will probably get deleted if I post it on here.
  18. CNN is reporting that Osama Bin Laden is dead..They're waiting on Obama give a press conference in regard to this..So the sources say...
  19. You still have no clue. I didn't say every Fortune 500 company uses this method. Those companies fail on another level not because employees were being lazy or boss were making them happy. (unless you want call the union workers lazy because they made poor quality cars that drove the company into the arms of the U.S. Government.) You're just ignorant, I'm ignore it because I've got better things to do, like work on my self-esteem during final week. I'm sick and tired of people telling me my education is worthless because it all theory and waste of time. You have no idea what it's like in my program. The girls I know in the graduate program are passing the CPA exam base on my school's graduate program without using any additional professional resources to pass the CPA exam. They make us work our butts off in order to feel good about ourselves. Now, I didn't say it was okay for the OP to surf the web, I just simply stated some companies allow it because it helps with stress level which keeps employees productive. (they still get fired of they do it too much) If you cannot comprehended that, then that's fine and dandy, but don't tell me I stated this because of an educational crock theory when it's working in the real world..Whatever. Far as I'm concern, if my boss tell me I cannot surf the web at work for personal reason, that cool. Long as I have time to ride bikes or go to gym because it helps with stress and reboots my brain and deliver more quality work. It has nothing do with self-esteem, it has to do with keeping me productive without feeling burned out. It a mentally draining job.
  20. Lot of ignorance spewing out of this post. You totally misunderstood my post. Some of the most successful companies including a bulk of the Fortune 500 companies and private held businesses uses this mentality and are very successful. Therefore, it's not an "educational theory" it's an actual proof that it works as long it is in control.....You obviously have no idea what what goes on in my academic programs or any other programs for that matter, so don't say I've spent many nights studying, writing papers, group projects, individual projects and many stress were all for maintaining my self-esteem. I think you should re-read my other post. I'm go give a presentation on the Dodd-Frank Act because it's good for my self-esteem. P.S. There is very little theory in the accounting program. Why? Because we're being taught base on actual accounting standards. Such as GAAP for instance.
  21. We study this in Marketing and Organizational Behavior. Psychologist believes allowing some this to take place on company's time, allows employees to relieve some stress and be more productive. Once you pass a certain stress threshold, you become unproductive. Companies have experimented with different ways to deal with this. One company (I cannot remember the name) has a sleeping room where employees can go in and take a nap. Some companies have a gym where they actually reward/encourage you for going to the gym and relief stress. I guess it all depends on where you work at and your duties. I think the internet is distracting for me when I'm doing school work. I even deleted Facebook so I wouldn't procrastinate and yet I still find ways to procrastinate. lol. I get more stuff done when I'm in library with no connection to internet and not playing on my phone. Eventually I take a break and go do something and it's not always the internet. Some organizations has a mentality such as "make the employees happy, then they will make the customers happy."
  22. My dad let my mom back the trailer down the ramp to get the boat out of the water once. See where this is going...She backed it down and jackknifed the trailer so bad that we had to get a welder to cut off the tongue and weld a new one on.. I was at home and dad called me and told me come down to the ramp and bring some tools to straighten the tongue out enough to get home. lol. Moral of the story, never let a woman back a empty trailer down a boat ramp. :D Unless she has experience. I personally haven't had any mishap while towing, yet..
  23. If you can't go a couple hours without visiting a website, you might have a problem.
  24. ROFL! Beer pong is overrated.
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