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Root beer

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Everything posted by Root beer

  1. Am I the only one that don't have a problem with it? It just like individuals get a credit downgrade they struggle to get a loan, maybe this would actually motivate Washington to fix their budget and spending problems......Unfortunately, the Treasury department are saying it a mistake rather than trying to solve the situations..Wishful thinking I guess...
  2. I don't know all the statistic details, but according to some people in Eastern Europe including Russia, Flat Tax has increased economic production..With that being said, I think it's too simple and unfair, and giving our government state of mind when it comes to spending it will only hurt us in the long-run, fiscal wise. If you have read our current Code, you will noticed that our system is supposedly designed to encourage and discourage certain activities, the Flat Tax will eliminate this. A middle class man, with home mortgage, medical bills that exceeds the allowable percentage of his AGI, and other deductions to lower his taxable income, will be paying more in taxes under Flat Tax given him lesser money to spend in the economy. So in theory. When you think about it, under flat tax, he cannot receive any percentage of his money back from those expenses then you add the Flat Tax he already stretching his budget thin. At least that way I'm thinking about it off top of my head without writing it out. General Electric didn't pay a dime in taxes last year. Without looking at their financial statements, I'm guessing it has to do with "2 years back, forward 20" rules. Or whatever the name of that rule is. Our current Code allows corporations and businesses to carry losses to years they have gains either previous years or years in future to potentially eliminate all of their taxable income. Under Flat Tax, it will disappear. Any start-up businesses would find a loss in early years beneficial and when they make a profit in long-run, (assume they do in this case) then they can get out of paying taxes on the net income and escape taxable income for a couple years. Flat Tax eliminates all of this. In my Federal Income class, I had do this case where my client owns an art gallery that was raided by the FBI and he was found guilty of selling forgery. I wrote his income into tax form, and deducted all of his expenses that were tied to producing forged paintings and running the art gallery itself. The only expense I didn't deduct from his income were the fines he had to pay as punishment from the judge. The Code allows criminals to deduct criminal activities related expenses from their taxable incomes, however, the only exception is, the criminals cannot deduct expenses related to drug running. It's very odd, but it plainly stated in our books and Codes. Flat Tax would get rid of this oddness. My point is, I don't think our current Code is that great, but I do believe we need a tax reform and I think giving complexity of our economy and all, Flat Tax is too simple. I generally have mixed feelings for Flat Tax depends on which versions, but I'll end up rejecting it most likely. I'm for tax reform that a little more flexible. How? I don't know, I'll need a lot of beers and other stuff to stimulate my mind to come up with ideas and write a book about it. :D
  3. Lot of people wonders why I drink tea that promotes liver health. And this is the answer to that question.
  4. I'm seeing red across my portfolio this week. My gains are eroding. Oh well, nothing new. Excel Maritime kicked my arse this year. Maritime shipping industry is struggling a lot..Maybe one day the global economy will start shipping goods between countries to a point where the demand outpace the supply of ships available. I'll probably dump the stock before that happens though.
  5. I personally like Long Mike first advice.
  6. I graduate in May and I'm having this strong desire to go to Colorado after graduation. I may go on vacation and never come back. I've been looking into graduate school in Colorado, but I haven't check the job market out there yet. I cannot decide whether to go there on vacation and come back and finish my master here then go back, or just wing it and go to Colorado and see what happens. I still haven't register for GMAT. I have looked at some math problems and done small amount of prep work to familiarized myself with the exam. I kind of lost my motivation for it at the moment. Just one of those week where all of these options are flooding my head and rational decisions are getting clouded by emotions.
  7. I think it has to do with the New Deal that was passed during the Great Depression. The reason it's even harder to compete in the global market is because it's cheaper to buy elsewhere than from United States in term of exchange rate..Despite our dollars being devalued, we still have a high exchange rate for other countries to swap from local currency to our dollars in order to buy our goods. Has anyone ever wonder if our dollar got eroded so bad that other countries would shift from China to U.S. bearing regulation change because it would be cheaper to manufacture here than China? I once thought of that one night. lol. It would make a great book where the plot is the Federal Reserve intentionally eroding our dollars in an attempt to entice other countries to produce goods in the U.S. rather than China. Talk about an economic drama book turned into a movie!!
  8. I don't think anyone knows the entire truth...Economy evolves, yes, but today there is a good amount of labors, unskilled workers, etc. We lose the core of our labor market overseas where they can hire more workers at cheaper price, and those jobs will never come back unless new laws make them come back. I can almost guaranteed you that someone in this country with no training nor education outside of secondary school has lost a job due to outsourcing. He then instead of accepting a job somewhere else where it's non-factory for lower wage, he rather collect on unemployment insurance and what not then he got discourage from searching for a job, thus, it's the reason why unemployment rate is around 9% rather than 20% or higher. (I'm just guessing about what actual percent rate would be without it being statistically skewed.) Lot of people's mentality is screwed up in this country. In my opinion. We got too greedy, or we feel we have to compare ourselves to others and feel too big take jobs for lower wages, etc. Screw it.
  9. Oh dear god. :lol:
  10. Dear Congress, last year I mismanaged my funds and this year my family and I cannot decide on a budget. Until we can come to a unified decision that fits all of our needs and interests, we will have to shut down our check book and will no longer be able to pay our taxes. I'm sure you'll understand . Thank you very much for setting an example we can all follow. And as far as the tax loophole, there is no such thing as loophole, it's the freaking Code. Always been my belief. Sirsnookalot hit it on the head, but unfortunately we are losing jobs overseas, so increase workforce in the durable good section of the economy, the rest will fall in place. Also assume in this case the government would actually pass a budget for once (correct me if I'm wrong, but they haven't pass a real budget since 2009) and spend within their means. The Deficit has been growing since the 80s. Since WWII, the Deficit was shrinking, then all sudden in the 80s it went up and, well, I'll leave it at that....I'm sure some of you smart people can piece who was running the country during those times. Short selling Treasury Securities anyone?
  11. Um, cool story, bro.
  12. You're going have to learn to make sacrifices in college. I don't think you should buy any high end combos. Surely you can get by with what you have? The only thing you should buy fishing wise is terminal tackles and baits to keep you fishing. I don't know how much it cost to go to school where you go, nor do I know if you have any scholarship(s), but it's a lot more expensive then you think. I've had expenses to blindside while barely squeaking by and I have a scholarship! I have a tuition paid scholarship, and sometimes my truck will crap out on me, or financial aid will screw something up and make me pay back some money, and bunch of random, miscellaneous craps I don't think about will come up. I tried working and going school with 15 credit hours a semester and it was too much for me..Some people have done well doing this, but I couldn't do it. My GPA has gone up and improved when I'm not working. The only thing you really need in college is money for ramen noodles and natural light, the rest is just a want. But seriously, if you don't get a meal plan on campus, my roommate has pretty much mastered buying food at a grocery store on a tiny budget if you want know about it let me know. I'm copy his plan this semester. I'm 9 classes short of graduation with an accounting degree. I gave up a lot of things and have no regret. I'm applying to graduate school with no plans on how to pay for it. I don't know if I'm get any scholarships or financial aids yet..
  13. I wish I could send some rain to you guys in Florida. The storm left a huge sinkhole here on the main highway. The creeks at a local state parks are flooding too. It raining here!
  14. It been storming or raining every week at least once since April. I cannot remember if we even went a week without a drop of rain. The storms have been pounding us recently. Monday morning at 4am I got woke up by a heavy storm and couldn't go back to sleep.
  15. I'd want someone to or get help. Just to clarify, I wasn't really defending the lady for taking picture, but what if she was taking them investigative purpose? Oh well. I wouldn't say I view everything from financial perspective. I prefer rational manner. I was curious what is the exact law Tennessee has and here it is: http://www.tntlaw.net/articles?id=61937 Looks like ordinary citizens are protected after all. I guess I was wrong. Oh and to clarify what my professor said, he only told us we wouldn't be held liable if someone was drowning or needed immediate attention and we didn't try to help, he didn't go into too much details he was only trying to prove a point about the law being either morally wrong or right. This was a business law class by the way, spent more time in contracts, bankruptcies, etc than general civil laws.
  16. Maybe the person taking pictures might be turning it over for evidence for court settlement. Just in case....
  17. In my best Alan voice "haha, driving drunk, classic." Too soon? We're going honor his memory by re-creating stunts he did. Who wants to do the hot wheel in butt stunt?
  18. Wrongful death. Sometimes the good citizen could unintentionally do something that killed someone when a professional would not have done that. In the case of a professional, they could have breach their professional duty or done something that cause the person to die. It all situational and depends on what happens. I'm not sure how protected the responders are under Tennessee law, but I'm sure if a breach of duty happened the family of the victim would have a case. Who knows? I'll never forget what my law professor told us "The law is not always concern with what is morally wrong or right."
  19. My law professor talked about this. It may be morally wrong, but it would be legally smart to do nothing but call 911. In Tennessee the law only protects licensed professionals. (at least I think so) I could get sue if I tried to help someone and he dies. It is what it is.
  20. For you Florida guys, what that trail system called outside of Ocala? I think it's Santos? A friend of mine rode it last year and he said it's a lot of fun. He showed me an article about it in Mountain Bike Action and they had a picture of a guy going off a small drop decked out in body armors while he took a picture of his buddy going off a bigger drop with nothing but a helmet on. lol. I may have to take my bike next time I go on a fishing trip to Florida and try to squeeze a ride in at this park. FishingDaddy, my Crank Bros pedal failed me the other day. I came unclipped while riding and couldn't get clip back in. I had to release the spring with my hands then try get clip back in. I noticed the cleats looks a little worn at end of my ride. So, that could be it..I couldn't find damage on the spring on the pedal.
  21. Lol. I think some people just spun it out of control. It really not that complex of a situation. I personally don't think his endorsement would have changed either way. The entire country knows who LeBron James is regardless of who he playing for...He left Cleveland for a chance to be on a team that was more serious about putting more players on the court around him. Plain and simple. Sometimes too much talents on same team doesn't always win a championship. See some very talent football teams for this statement. They just flat out got outworked by the Maverick. I'm not staying LeBron quit, but Jason Kidd is 38 years old and was grabbing every loose ball on that court. I think people expect too much from one person. Michael Jordan had help, Kobe Bryant had help, Dwanye Wade had help in 2006. Not saying LeBron didn't have help on the Heats, but it didn't exactly show that he had help. I saw a lot of missed shots by players who name isn't Wade, Bosh, or James. Even saw some turnovers and poor decision making by the entire team where the Mavericks were making the best decisions and the best plays at the right time. Not to mention Heats had a total meltdown allowing the Mavericks to comeback numerous of times and the Heats couldn't pressure the Maverick into losing their poise. If you think LeBron quit that's fine. I cannot change your opinion, but I highly doubt he did and the jokes are just being made by secret lovers until he starts winning some rings. P.S. Less we forget that LeBron James was on that 2008 Olympic team that won the gold...
  22. Cleveland gave him no help. Maverick was just a better team. He'll be back and he'll win big.
  23. He's only 26, right? He going come back and win a few rings before he is retired and everyone going jump on his bandwagon.....It's kind of odd how the hates started coming after he left Cleveland for Miami...
  24. Mark Cuban is my legal counselor when I get accused of inside-trading. :D
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